View Full Version : do u think i got screwed?

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Joe's Detail
01-13-2006, 01:29 AM
ok..i got a call today from a realtor who knew i own a power washer because of my detailing business..... he asked me if i could power wash his house(1 story rancher) that he is selling and i said no prob......i pressure wash washed the whole house, but he didn`t pay me right afterwards b/c he said he didn`t have the cash and i was like thats cool..he told me he was goin to call me when he went to the bank in the evening, but he never did...now im thinking i might be screwed on the deal......what should i do? should i try to find him or do u think it was just an honest mistake......b/c im not sure....i had a feeling this would happen after he didn`t pay me right then

01-13-2006, 02:24 AM
Tell him you are going to file a lien against the property. A house cannot be sold if there are liens against it.

01-13-2006, 06:25 AM
I`m assuming you didn`t get anything in writing..
If so, placing a lien would be pretty difficult.

I would go the route of sternly reminding him of the money he owes you, and tell him that you would hate to see him have a hard time selling the house because he`s not paying you (a very veiled threat).

01-13-2006, 06:27 AM
Judge Judy.
Is he a real realtor, with a firm, national chain, etc.?
I`d work on getting him on the phone, then see what happens. Call his office and say you saw an ad in the paper, see if he`ll answer. And send him a bill. If he is a realtor he has to be registered.

01-13-2006, 06:39 AM
keep trying to contact him, eventually he will get fed up and pay you. chalk it up as a learing experience, pay up front or no work(for a side job like that)

01-13-2006, 08:03 AM
ok..i got a call today from a realtor who knew i own a power washer because of my detailing business..... he asked me if i could power wash his house(1 story rancher) that he is selling and i said no prob......i pressure wash washed the whole house, but he didn`t pay me right afterwards b/c he said he didn`t have the cash and i was like thats cool..he told me he was goin to call me when he went to the bank in the evening, but he never did...now im thinking i might be screwed on the deal......what should i do? should i try to find him or do u think it was just an honest mistake......b/c im not sure....i had a feeling this would happen after he didn`t pay me right then

ok let`s not get carried away with threats...what is the time frame on this was it last night ? a couple days? a week? a month? ...just send him a bill with a reminder that the "balance is past due" ...if you get no response in a couple days, then contact the real estate office he works at and talk to a supervisor or owner.:rolleyes:

01-13-2006, 08:54 AM
ok let`s not get carried away with threats...what is the time frame on this was it last night ? a couple days? a week? a month? ...just send him a bill with a reminder that the "balance is past due" ...if you get no response in a couple days, then contact the real estate office he works at and talk to a supervisor or owner.:rolleyes:
I agree with Steve ,The man might have had other appts or it was to late in the evening. Call and see if you can get a hold of him , you should since the man is supposedly a realtor. remind him of the price and ask when you can pick up your money and don`t go for the i`ll drop it in the mail. Good Luck..

01-13-2006, 09:41 AM
I beg to differ about talking to his supervisor or manager. It is not a business matter, so he/she should not be involved. This may be viewed by your client as harrassment, which later on if you do go to court he might be able to make a case.

Once you allow him plenty of time to get the bill, and if he doesn`t pay, then send him another. Wait a reasonable period of time and if he still does not pay file a claim in Small Claims Court. In SCC most likely all you would need to do is show the judge the bills and, badabing, judgement in your favor. Odds are he won`t let it get to court.

You - - Him

01-13-2006, 10:06 AM
It takes me 90 days to get paid sometimes. It is the cost of doing business.
In the business world, silence is not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes it is simply silence. When I have a customer who doesn`t make it back for a monthly or seasonal on time, I sometimes wonder if I did it poorly or charged too much. Usually, they are just busy, or procrastinators.

Joe's Detail
01-13-2006, 10:39 AM
hey thanks for the quick response guys..i`ll keep everything you all said in mind..i`ll try contacting him today and hope that everything works out...ill keep u informed

01-13-2006, 10:50 AM

Question? did you have a verbal agreement on the price before the job was started...or was it can you pressure wash my house and you expected to get paid for it?

Just go ask for the money if he stalls then look him in the eye and ask when he will...your looking for a dead line of sorts.....if you do get bent over on this one...chalk it up to a learning experience....sorry to say it that way.

01-13-2006, 01:13 PM
A coupla kids, some mud, an hour or so to go to work on the house, problem solved.

01-13-2006, 01:28 PM
OK - this just happened yesterday? And already you`re worrying that you might be out the money??
Call me "PollyAnna", but I would not be panicking yet! A realtor`s time is not their own, he might have had some late/last minute appointments, etc.
I would say that if you do not hear from him over the weekend, then a courteous call to remind him on Monday is in order, and take it from there. After all, he has a reputation to maintain, too!! :goodluck:

01-13-2006, 01:49 PM
You will probably be OK.
One thing that is hard to realize is how inconsequential a couple of hundred bucks seems to people that are dealing in hundreds of thousands, maybe millions. At least when it isn`t their money.:)

When I was in sales and dealing with big dollar contracts, spending another few thousand to do a job a better way was pretty typical. After all, what`s another thousand on a million dollar+ job?
It was pretty easy for me to carry that thinking over into my personal finances and I would have to remind myself just how much that "just another thousand" was to me.

He may not even realize that the money might be of some importance to you. Most reputable businessmen aren`t out to rip you off. Hopefully, he falls into that category.


01-13-2006, 01:52 PM
I feel your pain you will learn from this im sure you should not let any one assume that you give credit.
you dont go to thr supermarket and just say im off to the bank see you later.
He was aware that it would cost him money he should have been prepared I know if I have money on me or not .
He said he would call remember the onus is on him not you he made that statement and didnt follow through.
I would present your self at his work place and say im here for the money for the work I carried out for you dont let him pay by post not the same I have no cash story.

A definition of a customer is some one who pays you to carry out work ,If they dont you can draw your own conclusions.

Good Luck.