View Full Version : Towel reccomendations for leather use?

05-13-2010, 08:59 PM
I have always use white cotton t shirts and cut them up as applicators to gently apply and wipe off excess leather cleaners and conditioners, but I am looking to find a different method that could work better and be less time consuming. I am wanting to pick up some sort of towels to use that is soft enough to no do any harm at all to the leather, but can absorb excess product without smearing it.

I am not for sure what to use, but can you all give me any kind of reccomendations on the towels I should be using? Should I be looking at using mircofobers or cotton towels?

05-14-2010, 12:49 AM
Use a sponge or stiff bristled brush to apply and agitate your foam leather cleaner then remove the excess with paper towel as these are the most efficient at removing the dirt together with the foam.

When applying protector you should not be removing excess as so little needs to be applied and you need a cloth that does not absorb the product otherwise it is a complete waste. We use a lint free cloth cut down to very small sizes which is just enough to spread the product evenly. Should be able to apply protector to a whole car in about 5 minutes.

Conditioners should not be used - any smearing indicates they are being over applied and sitting on the surface so doing nothing.

Microfibre cloths should not be used on leather as they are designed to pick up tiny lose particles which would also include any lose finish (just feel how `grabby` they are on your hands and you will understand what I mean) which will damage the leather finish.

Hope this helps

05-14-2010, 04:59 AM
In the grand scheme, I suspect just accessing a car seat (getting in and out) causes much more wear and tear (friction and flexing) by far than using a microfiber.

05-14-2010, 09:21 AM
Any soft Microfiber should do, just make sure there`s no debris in the fibers. Personally, i use the green or blue cobra microfibers from Autogeek for interior use.