View Full Version : Big Scratch Repair

05-11-2010, 06:57 AM
I waited a day to post this because if I didn`t, this post would be filled with foul language. Yes, I was (still actually) that p----ed.

Went to wash my car yesterday and noticed that someone had dinged the right corner of the back bumper, taking out the paint COMPLETELY down to the white plastic. It`s about the size of a pinky in length and half the width. There was some other light damage, but was able to correct it with Optimum Compound II.

I really, really don`t want to repaint the entire bumper because I can`t stand repaired paint when compared to factory, no matter what, the quality is just not the same.

What are my options here??? I have corrected minor dings and scratches successfully before (paint, wet sand, etc...), but never something this big. Would it even work? Meaning, will it be too obvious? I guess my other option would be to take it a shop, but is it possible to fix it without a complete repaint???

Oh yeah, the paint is flat black.

05-11-2010, 10:29 AM
I`m sure you would be happier with a respray then a touch up.

05-12-2010, 05:25 AM
Here is a [bad quality] picture.


05-12-2010, 05:46 AM
The only options that you have are to:

1) Re-spray the entie bumper

2) get an experienced painter to repair, paint & blend

3)Touch it up.

My opinion is to go for #2

05-12-2010, 05:53 AM
I agree with automedix on this -- find an experienced painter and have them work their magic. Fortunately, the scratch is on the curved part of the bumper, so the repair will not be as obvious.

My daughter`s NBP Acura had a very similar (but slightly smaller) scratch. I actually had the lot guy at the Acura dealer do a quick touch-up, and it was barely noticeable afterwards.

05-12-2010, 01:24 PM
Fuuuuuuuudge. So instead of saving some $$$ or buying something nice for my car, I have to fix some *****`s mistake.

I`ll start shopping around. Anyone know a reputable shop in the NOVA area?

05-12-2010, 01:36 PM
I dont` think you`ll be completely happy with it after, but you can always buy some black touch up and touch it up yourself, you might be surprised at how it look after if you do a good job.

If it doesn`t look perfect you could lightly sand it and buff it down to help blend it a little better. Black is pretty easy to touch up match. Give it a try and see what you think, worse case you don`t like it and have to have it resprayed, but you`re only out like 10$ of dealer matched touch up paint.
