View Full Version : Straight line vs circular motion when waxing

05-05-2010, 10:17 PM
I happened to be watching Two Guys Garage a while back, and seen where there was an Autogeek segment on there about applying wax. It was mentioned to use a straight line method, so that the chance of adding swirls are reduced and that they will not be as visibly seen. I don`t know if this has been detailing common knowledge that most have known, but I have always done light pressure doing a line in circular motions and never really noticed any kind of swirling added. Do you all think that the straight line appling works the best, or does it make a difference? Does it help at all with the durability of the product?

I found the video clip to what I am refering to on Autogeeks site

carnauba (http://www.palmbeachmotoring.net/ascg-videos/carnauba.html)

05-05-2010, 10:38 PM
from what I`ve read:

Karate kid method (circles) = swirls

05-05-2010, 10:39 PM
Do whatever feels more comfortable to you. As long as the wax you are using is non-abrasive it will not scratch or swirl the paint. Making sure your applicator and surface is clean is the main thing. Any scratches/swirls you instill while waxing will visibility be the same whether its straight lines or circles. Marring is marring, theres no difference.

05-05-2010, 10:41 PM
Well if you are creating swirls using a circular motion, you will create them using a straight motion. If you don`t have anything on the surface of the paint that will cause marring, and are using a proper applicator, you could use any motion you pleased and it wouldnt create marring.

Dont think that because most swirls look like circles, that is what caused them.

Once you remove the residue, the leftover product doesn`t know which way you applied it.

05-05-2010, 11:31 PM
interesting video.