View Full Version : Layering 845, which works best?

05-05-2010, 08:59 PM
In the next week or so, I plan on polishing and putting on a couple layers of Collonite 845. Whenever I do this I usually put on two layers, another applied right after I wipe of the first. I want to add more to the gloss and protection, and try adding a couple more addition layers. Maybe do all of the layers using Polycharger. I plan on doing this over the course of a few days, so I will not be adding all 4 layers at once.

Will adding anything more than x2 layers of 845 make a difference in terms of gloss, protection, and durability? If so, which will help the second x2 layers bond best? Waiting until the next day and then adding the additional x2 layers, or wash first and then add the additional x2 layers of 845?

05-05-2010, 11:42 PM
I never found any benefit to layering 845 myself.

05-06-2010, 07:31 AM
Just do 2 thin coats for even coverage. Layering won`t matter. Then the

845 should give you good protection and shine for many months.

05-06-2010, 12:34 PM
I never found any benefit to layering 845 myself...


.. Layering won`t matter...

I`d never got great durability out of 845 until somebody here (maybe it was wannafbody, I forget...) challenged me to try layering it. I tried it (although I wasn`t expecting much), with enough control areas with fewer applications to get some good comparisons (equalized starting times and other controls..).

Long story short, the layering *did* work for me, and quite significantly. I waited ~24 hours between applications and was mighty gentle about the susequent ones.

Easy enough to test...see what works for you.

05-06-2010, 12:36 PM
2 coats for coverage, if you want more shine, put something else on top, Duragloss AW looks great on top of it.

jimmie jam
05-06-2010, 05:10 PM
Just do 2 thin coats for even coverage. Layering won`t matter. Then the

845 should give you good protection and shine for many months.

i agree, THIN is the way to put them on, very THIN. this has worked for the 37 years of my using 845, FWIW. ;)

05-06-2010, 06:01 PM
Accumulator, How many layers of 845 did you do? I figure

that it`s pretty much subjective on it working or not. I`ve done more than

2 coats before winter. can`t say I seen much improvement after the 2nd.

I think I did the 3rd out of boredom and because I actually like doing

this $h!t. Same with Natty`s not much seen after the 2nd coat.

05-07-2010, 10:49 AM
Accumulator, How many layers of 845 did you do? I figure

that it`s pretty much subjective on it working or not. I`ve done more than

2 coats before winter. can`t say I seen much improvement after the 2nd.

I think I did the 3rd out of boredom and because I actually like doing

this $h!t. Same with Natty`s not much seen after the 2nd coat.

Yeah, to make for any kind of objective test you gotta consider how to make it a somewhat controlled test. Not that I have an issue with *subjective* evaluations, at least not when I`m the subject in question ;)

Quick summary of how I test for effective layering:

Main thing when doing it is to equalize the start times for the layered/unlayered sections and to pick areas that`ll get relatively equal exposure/abuse.

One easy example is to use a wheel, and half-and-half it. Do half a wheel face with one coat of 845. Let it sit so the 845 can "cure" or whatever it might do (hey, I`m no chemist). Then do another coat on the whole wheel face, that oughta leave one coat on one half and two on the other. Then just see what happens.

Note that the diff between one/two can be pretty insignificant, but maybe it`ll be a clue.

A better test is to do one coat on the whole face. Wait. Do many additional coats on half, leaving the other half with just the one. Then do a coat on the whole face again (this will give equalized starting times for the side with two and the side with many). That`s how I test.

When I had my beater-Blazer I did various sections with two vs. many applications of both 845 and 476S. I found that there was a significant diff, so for *me* it was pretty obvious (also found that 476S can get "psuedo holograms" when you layer it...sheesh what a PIA). When people post stuff about how it either didn`t work for them, or how they`ve "proven" such products don`t layer...well, OK,go with your results. But I`m not gonna disbelieve my own experiences either :nixweiss

So YMMV certainly applies.