View Full Version : Newb Needing Help On Convertible Tops

04-27-2010, 04:33 AM
Hi I`m a newb to detailing and have been starting off with good success but I now have two people with convertibles. Can anyone please give some advice on cleaning and products to use? I`m needing to get the correct things in case I need to order something. Any advice on cleaning process? Thanks

04-27-2010, 05:30 AM
Raggtopp and 303 both make good products for cleaning and treating a cloth top.

Follow the directions on each bottle. You just want to ensure that the top is as dry as possible before applying the treatment. Leaving the car out in the sun for a few hours will help the top to dry faster.

04-27-2010, 06:58 AM
Make sure you know the the difference between a vinyl top and a canvas top.

Most convertibles are canvas on higher-end cars, while those on "economy" car may be vinyl. Each requires a different cleaning and treatment process.

BEFORE YOU WASH EITHER TYPE, clean them with a soft bristle brush (like a boars hair brush or BHB, as it`s abbreviated in this forum) first to losen any dirt or debris imbedded in the fibers or material. Then thoroughly vaccum the top material to remove what was losened. I use a brush attachment on the vacuum hose, but you can use a standard carpet/upholstry attachment if that is all you have.

Then wash with the top cleaner according to the label directions.

If you do treat a canvas top with the RaggTop treatment spray can, make sure it`s a warmer day, at least above 45°F and a somewhat calm day if your are doing this outdoors. Let it dry about 15-20 minutes before applying the second coat. You can use a hair dryer in a pinch if the ambient temperature is cool, but this time year that shouldn`t be a problem.

I clean a vinyl top with Meguiars Detailer Line All-Purpose Cleaner (Megs APC), brushing and rinsing accordingly, and dry with a leaf blower (or compressed air if you have a such equipment) and then blot-dry with a micro-fiber towel. I still like Areospace 303 protectant for vinyl, but most any vinyl dressing can be used, as long as it doesn`t contain silicone.

Just my 2-cents worth.