View Full Version : Double Checking Procedure

04-25-2010, 10:23 PM
So before I go and completely mess up my cars paint I wanna run through my plans for it. Hopefully you guys can help me out and tell me if I have the right order and tell me if any of the products will clash with each other.


(Going to be done via hand any tips?)

-Mother`s Car Wash

-Mother`s Clay Bar / QD

-Meguiar`s Ultimate Compound

-Meguiar`s M21

-Meguiar`s M26


-Mother`s Chrome Polish

I do have M26 already on the car should I worry about the UC causing havoc on the paint or should I leave it alone?

The car is a 2003 Cadillac STS the color is the White Diamond, which actually gives a pretty deep reflection for a white colored car.

Any help is appreciated! Thanks!

04-26-2010, 01:38 PM
Xconja- Welcome to Autopia!

I dunno if a) you really need to use the UC (how bad is the marring?) or b) whether it`ll leave things ready to wax or not (maybe you`ll need a finer polish for a final step).

04-26-2010, 03:15 PM
Thanks for the welcome!

I`ve been reading ALOT and so far from what I can gather UC is the OTC equivilant of M105 and it supposedly (if done correctly) will leave the paint sealent ready.

I do have swirls on the paint, its only visible in direct sunlight due to the paint color hiding it so well but its there and bugs me. As far as the marring being severe enough I am not so sure, I can see several `rings` around the sun when it hits my car just right this good enough?



04-26-2010, 03:33 PM
UC has less cut then M105.

By hand or machine?

04-26-2010, 09:11 PM
I am going to be doing everything via hand, I was told its about the same maybe a little less I take it this isn`t true?

04-27-2010, 08:49 AM
I am going to be doing everything via hand, I was told its about the same maybe a little less I take it this isn`t true?

It is a hair less and doing it by hand you will never notice the difference. Personally I would follow up with M205.

I hope you did your workout because without a machine your arms are gonna be pretty sore by the time you`re done.

04-27-2010, 10:03 AM
I sometimes think that when doing things by hand one oughta have a different result in mind, a whole different mindset. Just sorta rambling here, but while I reach for combos like M105/M205 for machine polishing jobs (and spot-corrections by hand), if I had to do a whole vehicle by hand I might use something like M105/US on the bad spots, and/but then do the whole vehicle with something user-friendly like 1Z PP even if that didn`t leave things as nice as a "better" approach might theoretically provide. I say "theoretically" because what you`re *really* gonna end up doing by hand, before you say "sheesh, enough already...good enough!" might be different from what you *could* accomplish if you spent an unlimited amount of time and energy on the job. Just some food for thought...