View Full Version : Acrylic vs. Resin

04-25-2010, 09:12 PM
I`ve got Jeff`s Werkstat Prime and AJT, which are supposed to be acrylic waxes. I was at Pep Boys looking at Autoglyn Resin Polish and also noticed TR-3 resin plosh there. Could someone please tell me the difference between the 2 technologies?

04-26-2010, 07:54 AM
From Wikipedia:

Synthetic resins are materials with similar properties to natural resins—viscous liquids capable of hardening. They are typically manufactured by esterification or soaping of organic compounds.

Acrylic resins are a group of related thermoplastic or thermosetting plastic substances derived from acrylic acid, methacrylic acid or other related compounds.[1] Polymethyl acrylate is an acrylic resin used in an emulsed form for lacquer, textile finishes, adhesives and, mixed with clay, to gloss paper. Another acrylic resin is Polymethyl methacrylate which is used to make hard plastics with various light transmitting properties.(end quote)

So both are basically resin based but may be mixed with similar or other disimilar ingredients.

04-26-2010, 01:45 PM
Functional differences between the products in question might be primarily a matter of concealing/filling and trim staining.

IME the SRP (and to a lesser extent TR-3, but that`s based on a friend`s experiences with it way back in the `70s) do a decent job of filling, but the "acrylic" products I`ve used do no such filling and are less likely to stain trim.

04-26-2010, 09:58 PM
I like the werkstat, but i was just curious about the resin in the tr3. Thanks!

04-27-2010, 07:11 AM
I used TR-3 (WAY)back in the late 70`s on my Datsun 280Z. Actually, it was recommended and sold by Datsun/Nissan dealerships back then. I am sure it has undergone "reformulation" since then.