View Full Version : Winter Storage

04-22-2010, 01:07 PM
So I want to get a 1990 Mustang. That car would be 20 years old now, and I would feel really bad if anything on the car started to rust. I live in Minnesota, with no garage, so I have 2 options: 1. Store it outdoors after taking the proper steps to prep it for winter storage. 2. Put some Collinite 845 on before winter and hope for the best (drive it through the winter). Which one of these do you think will be the best choice to preserve the car`s parts from rust? Any tips for outside storage? Thanks


P.S. Keep in mind that I don`t have a garage, so no middle of winter details.

04-22-2010, 07:48 PM
21 views and no replies? Wow that`s new for Autopia. Anyone? I would really like info.:work:

04-22-2010, 08:13 PM
Wow, you`re planning this out really really early. I used to have a 1990 Mustang GT in high school. I can tell you that thing is not going anywhere if there`s any snow on the ground. Why not put a couple of coats of Collinite on it, and put a car cover on it for the winter?

04-23-2010, 05:07 AM
Curious just where you are getting this 20 year old rust free car from. Stored outside the undercarriage, suspension, will rust. Anything not protected with a wax or sealant, except plastic will rust or corrode. I`ve tried in Michigan and outside storage in winter just doesn`t work to keep a car rust free. Save the $, invest in a better DD, good winter prep and touch less washes with undercarriage spray will help to preserve it. Sorry! Me, I`m waiting to hit the lotto to build my dream garage.

04-23-2010, 09:07 AM
Of course I`m planning this early, I need to decide whether or not to get the car in the first place. POPPAJ, your reply saddens me, though that`s kinda what I was thinking. BTW my dad had a 5.0 lx in 1989, and he said it wasn`t too bad in winter if you went slow (and threw some weights in the trunk).

04-23-2010, 10:48 AM
I`ve driven "awful in snow!" cars and with a LSD and snowtires they drove fine in the winter. But that`s just me...

If you drive it in the winter, you`ll have to have some pretty good means of cleaning it, including the undercarriage. And I`d do a *LOT* of rust-prevention work between now and then (partial disassembly, done-right rustproofing, etc.).

I suggest you look into the types of "sleeping bags for cars" that zip up and completely envelope the vehicle. I`d clean it up, put some desiccant packets in certain places, put a cover over it, then seal it up in the "car coccoon" thing and hope for the best.

Otherwise, moisture is gonna cause problems.

Hit up the California Car Cover company`s website and you oughta find what I`m talking about.

This isn`t an easy one...the *proper* solution is to keep the car in climate controlled, dehumidified, indoor storage. And even then you need to take some precautions.

Having an extra, good-weather car is fraught with problems when you don`t have sufficient storage (voice of experience).

04-23-2010, 11:23 AM
I don`t think most of those `bags` are approved for outdoor use. And, if the OP lives in an apartment it stands a good chance of being vandalized.

OP, rent a garage or storage space. There are still things that need to be done.

Otherwise, give it one hell of a cleaning top to bottom, inside and out. LSP, change the oil, add fuel stabilizer to a full tank, inflate tires to max, pull the battery, check the anti-freeze mixture, buy one really nice cover, throw some desicannt packs inside and consider covering the engine/underside/etc with some thing like Sonus Trim and Motor coat.

04-23-2010, 12:05 PM
Store it. For about $250, you should be able to find a place to park it out of the elements.

Even if the car isn`t driven in the snow, MN winters are tough on cars, especially in the areas where you can`t see (or protect well).

Good luck,


04-29-2010, 01:06 PM
Ottawa is famous for scary winters. Saved myself the trouble and insurance money and stored it away till March.

04-29-2010, 08:05 PM
I`d store it myself. Many self-storage places have units big enough for a car and/or specifically marketed as car storage. It will still be cold but at least it won`t be snowed on.

05-02-2010, 07:35 PM
Before my dad found a garage for his 93 Cobra, he would store it outside. He would basically wash and wax, fill w/ gas, and cover w/ a top quality winter cover. He did for about 3 years before he found a garage and never had any issues.