View Full Version : California duster?

07-16-2003, 07:40 AM
what are your opinions, I see many people using them at car shows. are their any negatives? Gary>www.perfectautofinish.com

07-16-2003, 07:45 AM
For me, no lubrication + debris = swirls and scatches. I do not dust and rarely QD unless my car has just been washed or I am doing a final QD after waxing. Just my opinion, many people swear by them.

07-16-2003, 07:54 AM
In my opinion (only). They are a valuable tool when used with care and a potential disaster when not. The potential for damage is from draging any dry object across the paint; scratches

I`ve used one for a few months and am very pleased, so far.

The precautions I use are;

1. Only use it for dust, not dirt and mud. If you have these, then wash.

2. Don`t apply any pressure. Just put about half of the length of the "strands" in contact with the surface. (don`t rest the whole duster on the car).

3. Only wipe in one direction. You may have to wipe an area twice since you`re using no pressure, but if it still doesn`t come clean, you should be washing.

4. Tap it on your hand after every panel to get rid of any potential scratchers in the fibres.

5. Use it only when its needed. If you can`t see any dust, why risk scratching the surface just because you think its been a while since you dusted? Restraint!

6. Follow with QD and a microfibre.

Rarely, you may see what look like micro scratches on dark colors even if you follow the precautions. Relax, these are not swirls, they`re just in the wax, and another coat of wax or QD will smooth them out.

They`re worth the $, ( but stay away from the water blade; its a trip to the body shop waiting to happen! )

07-16-2003, 09:15 AM
I only use the small one on the interior. Really keeps down dust in between cleanings. I am very leery of any exterior use. The duster traps dust and debri which could be dragged back across the finish causing scratches (major or minor).

07-16-2003, 09:32 AM
Biff pretty well summed up my experience and feelings about the CCD.

Biff: "They are a valuable tool when used with care and a potential disaster when not. The potential for damage is from dragging any dry object across the paint; scratches"

Charles: Absolutely

Biff: "I`ve used one for a few months and am very pleased, so far. "

Charles: Been using them for 15 years and am very pleased, so far

The only thing I do differently in the precautions section is the "tap it on your hand" bit. I bang it over the open top of my garbage can.

You can wash them with a Woolite solution if the extremely dirty look bothers you. I have two original wood handle and one of the "Super Dusters" and use them regularly. One is 15 years old, and I washed it in Woolite this year. Didn`t seem to damage it at all.

07-16-2003, 09:38 AM
I see this on two sides, I have one in both my cars and one in my shop. I use it on my black BMW all the time. The amount of scratches that are produced by using it are very little. I`d rather polish those out than drive around in a car looking like a dust bowl. If its a lighter color you would not see the scratches at all.

Dr Groove
07-16-2003, 01:59 PM
I haven`t tried this yet but...... the mgr at a local auto supply store said the best way to keep the duster working up to snuff is to rub it across the screen of your TV. I guess this "recharges" it.

Anyone else hear this?

07-16-2003, 04:15 PM
As far as I am concerned, the CCD is a great tool.

Any fine scratches that it makes can be masked with a QD. And since most of us take quite a few supplies to car shows with us, its no big deal.

As for those micro-scratches. In my experience, they are nothing major. After Megs #9 I can RARELY see them (maybe once or twice) and that was when I was going over the car after #9 in a dark garage using a green LED light to find scratches. And then I just marked them and used PI-II RC to remove them.

Its worth it, just buy one.

The Fuzz
07-16-2003, 04:28 PM
The California Car Duster is like Beer in a way. There are lots of positives if used correctly and lots of negatives if used incorrectly. As usual, the negatives are always terrible and horrible and a PITA to fix after. My best advice is to remember that its a DUSTER and don`t use it like a MOP. I use the dash duster and it works well enough for me. I put enough swirls in my car by drying it with old baby burp blankets so I don`t really need the CCD to help out in that regard. Besides, I`ve got this awesome head of hair to do my dusting for me if I want. :D I`ll stick to using the california dusters on surfaces that don`t run the risk of swirling no matter how I use em.

07-16-2003, 04:38 PM
Hey Fuzz can I use that mullet shine spray stuff to patch up black trim?

07-16-2003, 07:05 PM
This may be a stupid question... I thought the california car duster would work good as a washing tool so I dunked it and tried it out on my hood. After it dried out it didn`t seem to work the same way again. Do you think it can be fixed or shoudl I just get a new one? It didn`t work very well as a washing tool either, by the way. Sometiems you have to try it to know for sure.

The Fuzz
07-16-2003, 07:45 PM
Oh Blinded.... say it isn`t so.... :rolleyes:

What is the problem with the duster? Is it still soggy or crunchy? What made you think you could use it to wash the car with??

07-16-2003, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by The Fuzz
Oh Blinded.... say it isn`t so.... :rolleyes:

What is the problem with the duster? Is it still soggy or crunchy? What made you think you could use it to wash the car with??

Its just weird. Kind of slimy and it streaks whenever I use it. Major streaks. Its not really working at all anymore. It dried out but it still will sqeeze stuff out if I wring out the strands. Maybe I used too much soap and the duster soaked it all up? I did use quite a bit of soap. I mixed dawn and gold class together so I would get the most soap possible. I mixed the gold class in after I got the suds from the Dawn going good. I figured it would make the water soapyer. I think its just ruined now. it was one with a wooden handle and everything too. :( Do you think one of the small dash dusters would work better or should I just not even try again? Is there something on the duster that makes it not work to wash?

07-16-2003, 08:08 PM
I think they are treated with a parafin wax which makes it attract dust. This may be the reason it was not good for washing, it may have repelled water because of the wax on the strands.:confused:

07-16-2003, 08:45 PM
It sounds like the duster is loaded with soap residue. You might try rinsing it with plain water, but the Dawn may have ruined the paraffin treatment. Try rinsing it, you don`t have much to lose. IMO, Dawn is great for washing dishes, not cars. You mentioned Gold Class Shampoo, use it as per the instructions with a good wash mitt. Buy another CCD and use it dry to dust your car. You do manage to get yourself into some messes don`t you?:) :)