View Full Version : Autoglym HD Wax VS Meg`s Tech Wax 2.0--which one is better?

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04-08-2010, 09:10 PM
My new Nissan Rogue is only 3 weeks old and I`m preparing to wax it this weekend as the weather is supposed to be nice(no rain and temps in the 60`s). I live in New Orleans so the days of 90+ degree weather will be here shortly and I want to get my wax on ASAP before it`s too hot to do it.

I bought some Meg`s Tech Wax 2.0 last week and was planning on using that. I`ve since been reading up on Autoglym`s HD wax which is now available at Wal-Mart for $35. I am now torn as to which wax will be better for me and my car.

Like I said the Rogue is a 2010 and only 3 weeks old. It is black in color. The paint looks great to me meaning no visible swirls, scratches, blemishes, etc....again, this is a new car and the paint is in new shape. I want a wax that is easy to use(easy on and off), will provide maximum slickness and will bead or sheet well. Also want something that will last from now(April) at least until October or so when the weather will be cooler again. I am a girl and will be applying wax by hand and by myself.

Already own the Meg`s Tech Wax, so would it even be worth it for me to get the Autoglym? Will it be much better? About the same? Any pro`s/con`s to either one?

I would describe myself as a casual enthusiast. I am more anal than the average driver who will run their cars through gas station washes, if they even wash it all. I usually wash my cars every weekend(if the weather allows, meaning not raining) and wax about 2 or 3 times a year. I want my car to look nice for years to come, but it`s important to note that I don`t need a "show" car. Not looking to take it to that level. Just more than the average person.

So, what do ya`ll recommend?

04-08-2010, 09:14 PM
There is no comparison in my opinion. Autoglym HD wax is an excellent quality wax and Meguiar`s is well Meguiar`s.

04-08-2010, 09:25 PM
There is no comparison in my opinion. Autoglym HD wax is an excellent quality wax and Meguiar`s is well Meguiar`s.

Thanks for the quick reply. So you think the $35 Autoglym is definitely worth it, even if I`m not looking for that perfect "show car" look? What don`t you like about the Tech Wax 2.0 other than it`s Meguiar`s? Is it really that bad?

I`m new to all of these new products, so I`m really thankful for the suggestions and advice. Just want to make sure I get something I need and not overspend on a wax.

04-08-2010, 09:28 PM
i also agree with johnklevin the is no comparison between the two.

i also got mine from wal-mart and i have also used the original nxt and the 2.0 and i dont feel like it last`s past the first few washes.

i used to use the nxt on my old jag s-type and i would clay then wax(before i was really in to detailing like owning a polisher) and the very next time i would was my car(in the summer because of the alabama bugs i will was my cars 2-3 times a week)and after the first wash its like there was no wax on the car.

now for the autoglym hd i just went through a full paint correction because of having to scrub dried cooking grease that my wife dpilled near my black benz and the wind caught the grease and it sat on the back half of the car and it turned in to a tree sap type goo and i had to scrub it off so i got some scratches from the process and afted i removed the good and clayed the car i just for the hell of it applyed a coat of hd wax to the rear quarter panel and i filled a lot of the small scratches and swirls so i had very good filling to it and it leave a very slick final finish even slicker than zaino or blackfire(i do use a sealant under the wax tho


it also leaves a very deep wet shine and is about the best wax i have used and i usually dont use a wax im more of a sealant guy.

04-08-2010, 09:40 PM
I think NXT looks great. Its just not all that durable.

Put the NXT down first, then layer the HD on top. Im sure it will look stunning

04-08-2010, 09:52 PM
I personally think NXT is okay - and should suffice. Like you said, you`re not describing yourself as OCD as some of the rest of us on Autopia, and only you can decide if the $35 are justified in that regard. NXT is not bad at all, just be careful around trim and apply thinly (as with any other wax). On the other hand, if you are looking for slightly better looks, might as well try AGHD - which should also be a bit more durable (imo).

04-08-2010, 09:59 PM
Thanks for all of the replies.

I think I will pick up the Autoglym HD at Wal-Mart tomorrow then. I just wanted to make sure it wasn`t overkill and that it was worth it for a daily driver. Sounds like it`s much better than the Meg`s Tech Wax 2.0, which I may just go ahead and return. That cost like $15, so it`ll be about half towards the Autoglym.

The main reason I went with the Tech Wax is b/c I was looking for a good wax that wasn`t too expensive that was easy to use and could be purchased at a local auto store or wal-mart. Many suggested the Tech Wax, but now that Autoglym is available OTC and $35 really isn`t that much $$, I`ll go with that.

04-08-2010, 10:40 PM
I think NXT looks great. Its just not all that durable.

Put the NXT down first, then layer the HD on top. Im sure it will look stunning

I am new to autopia. There is great help in these forums!

I have both NXT and HD. I like the filling effects of NXT but it lasts maybe a few weeks. Would putting HD over NXT affect HD`s durability? Am I better off picking one?

04-08-2010, 10:50 PM
NXT is a sealant, and so it will bond to the paint if you give it some time. That`s the critical part, if it doesn`t have time to set and to affix itself to the paint, it won`t have any durability because it`ll just be sitting there (or wiped right off with your towel). Honestly, I think you could leave NXT on over night in a garage and get great results.

On the other hand, I think HD is a carnauba, meaning it doesn`t need as much time to set up, and in many cases leaving it on for too long will make it a PITA to get off.

You can layer a sealant under a carnauba, I like to do this since I find that sealants tend to last longer, and bring out the flake in a car better. What I like to do is put NXT on, leave it sit for as long as I can, and then buff it off and put the carnauba on over top. This way I get the look of the carnauba on top, with the durability of the sealant underneath when the carnauba fails.

Personally, I`d keep them both and layer them. Plus, NXT works wonders on wheels :)

04-09-2010, 07:09 AM
NXT and wheels? What do you mean? Do you use the tech wax on the rims just like you would on the paint? Wipe it on very thin, wait a while, and then buff off? This won`t harm the alloy rims?

04-09-2010, 07:44 AM
Im not 100% sure, but i`m willing to bet that if your wheels are factory wheels they will be clear coated. If so, waxing them just like your paint is fine. I have personally used nxt2.0 on my wheels and just like xrl, I think it makes a huge difference in the look of my wheels, plus it adds protection.

04-09-2010, 08:26 AM
Yep, the wheels are factory, so I`ll give the Nxt a try on them.

One more question: am I able to use the Autoglym HD on trim or does it stain white?

04-09-2010, 08:27 AM
I have been using NXT and NXT 2 on my Mystichrome Cobra for 4 years at least. People say it does not last. Well for me it does but my car is basically a show car and a very occasional joy ride. The difference from when I started using NXT from special carnuba waxes and such is no comparison. NXT will make metal flake paint POP! But you have to be the judge. I have used it with great results.

A couple of before shots.



A couple of pictures from last fall and after using 2.0






04-09-2010, 08:35 AM
Are those rags sitting on the ground???? YIKES.


04-09-2010, 08:56 AM
Are those rags sitting on the ground???? YIKES.

LOL busted