View Full Version : How Well Do You Think The Out Come Will Be?

04-06-2010, 05:10 PM
I have read some reviews and have looked at different products and finally narrowed down what I am going to try out for my new car products I will try using. I was using Zaino products but just feel that there are better things out there. Here is what I will be doing:

Foam Gun car with CG CWG and let sit

Wash Car with CG CWG

Clay Car

Use Autoglym SRP

Use Collinite #476S

Top with Autoglym HD Wax

Spray some Zaino Z8 for extra pop

So what do you guys think? Will it be okay to use Autoglym HD wax over Collinite? Also, would it be better to just use Autoglym Extra Gloss instead of Collinite?

04-06-2010, 05:37 PM
IMO all that layering of last step product is a waste of time and money. You will end up seeing the last product you put on. I would go with the one you like best and put two coats for coverage and than maintain it. Don`t get caught up in the multi step LSP BS the product junkies fake them selves out with.

04-06-2010, 08:47 PM
IMO all that layering of last step product is a waste of time and money. You will end up seeing the last product you put on. I would go with the one you like best and put two coats for coverage and than maintain it. Don`t get caught up in the multi step LSP BS the product junkies fake them selves out with.

:werd: Put your effort into the claying and polishing. Find an LSP you like and use it often.

04-06-2010, 08:57 PM
Just use the Collinite and top with Z8.

04-07-2010, 08:50 AM
I`ve experienced (rather minor) improvements in looks by spit-shining "beauty waxes" over Collinite, but I`ve quit doing it as it I believe it comromised the Collinite`s beading/self-cleaning and maybe even its durability.

Josh1- Noting that IMO the LSP only makes for ~5% of the overall look, you`re going from one extreme to the other when you switch from Zaino to Collinite wax.

If looks matter more than durability/(maybe) protection, then just use the Autoglym instead of the Collinite.

Maybe you`ll like the wax approach better than the Zaino, maybe you won`t :nixweiss

I *really* like the SRP, but note that it fills a bit (for better or worse). SRP topped with Collinite was my "family and friends" combo. Keep the SRP off black trim.

04-07-2010, 08:59 AM
Accumulator -

You`re making it really hard for me to resist another purchase of SRP :o

It is a really balanced product, I have to agree. I like it a lot :)


As for the LSP, I don`t think you can go wrong with any of your choices. Find out what matters to you most (looks vs durability); note, however, that AG HD has very good durability as well and should not be thrown out in that regard. Like you, I really like both waxes, and for summer details (on my own cars) I often go for AG HD or Victoria Red Wax.

Hope that helps.

04-07-2010, 05:14 PM
Mainly I want something that will last but also make the car stand out. I just polished the paint not too long ago and only thing on paint as wise as correction is minor stuff from washing and drying. Basically trying to find a good filler and saw that SRP was amazing at making things disappear. Also was trying to find something to seal it afterwards that way it will last longer. Guess thats why I picked collinite 476S because it lasts along time and looks good also. I just have seen people say it was good to top it with another good wax to make the shine come out even more. I am new to this whole thing and basically trying to figure out what to use. The only products I have ever used as wise as wax is Zaino, NXT, and Clearkote. I have used clearkote glaze also before but it doesnt fill as good as I would have excepted. Only polishes I have used are Poorboys SSR`s, Zaino, and Optimun.

04-07-2010, 06:53 PM
Josh-keep it simple, I`ve got a dozen LSPs and find that time and time again, I really only need two. Opti-Seal for light colors and metallics and Carnauba Moose for solid dark colors.

My understanding is that Collinite 915 will give you a good balance of both durability and appearance.

04-07-2010, 09:52 PM
How does Carnuba Moose compared to Natty`s Blue in terms of looks and durability?

04-07-2010, 10:48 PM
How does Carnuba Moose compared to Natty`s Blue in terms of looks and durability?

Darker, deeper and more durable. Natty`s Blue definitely looks wetter though.

04-08-2010, 08:54 AM
Josh-keep it simple, I`ve got a dozen LSPs and find that time and time again, I really only need two. Opti-Seal for light colors and metallics and Carnauba Moose for solid dark colors.

My understanding is that Collinite 915 will give you a good balance of both durability and appearance.


I used Opti seal on a car or two when I first got it (couple years ago) and was not impressed with the durability at all. I did a customers car, they brought it to me a month later and it wouldn`t even bead water. Would ya tell me how you apply it? Maybe I was doing something wrong.


04-08-2010, 09:49 AM
I`m waiting for somebody to try FK1000P over SRP. It works fine for me on wheels, but I`ve never tried it on an entire vehicle.

04-08-2010, 11:06 AM
I`m waiting for somebody to try FK1000P over SRP. It works fine for me on wheels, but I`ve never tried it on an entire vehicle.

What is SRP?

04-08-2010, 11:13 AM
What is SRP?

Autoglym Super Resin Polish. It`s their version of AIO. I`ve been using it since forever and recently a few others here at Autopia have tried it.