View Full Version : Well have you ever ( Clay Bar related )

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03-29-2010, 09:46 AM
Have any of you here ever "Burned through your clear coat " Because you clayed to fast and never used enough lube?

Most I have ever ran into in all the cars I have clayed ( 100+ a year for 5 years ) is if you use too little lube you will get a clay streak and/or the clay bar its self will stick to the surface stopping it.

Thomas Dekany
03-29-2010, 09:49 AM
How would that be possible?

03-29-2010, 11:00 AM
Uhmm.. Are you talking about the clay leaving a streak on the clearcoat because there isn`t enough lube there? I`ve never ever heard of someone "Burning through their clearcoat" using a clay product.

03-29-2010, 11:16 AM
Uhmm.. Are you talking about the clay leaving a streak on the clearcoat because there isn`t enough lube there? I`ve never ever heard of someone "Burning through their clearcoat" using a clay product.

Nope .. not the streaking ... I never have heard of it either but we have a guy in another forum that is stating you can "Burn through the clear" "

I`ll quote a portion of his post in blue ... mine is in red


What you`re gonna wanna do is have a very thin layer of wax on the car, it`s not manditory but it is helpful, then use the lubricant that comes with the kit, clay small sections at a time in a shaded area, otherwise the lubricant will dry very fast.

Just make sure you keep the area lubricated or the worst case scenerio is that the clay will literally burn through your clear coat..... and thats bad.

I don`t know what you use for clay.. I clay +100 cars a year and use a few differenr brands and if you under lube the clay just sticks to the surface like glue , its impossible to "burn" through the clear. You can`t create friction because the clay sticks. The most your going to get is a clay smudge on the clear that you will have to remove. Maybe your using clay thats all dried out and should be garbaged anyway.

I`m really not going to argue about it, it`s not worth my time. You stick to whatever you believe, but I detail cars for a living and I know what`s right and what`s wrong.


a.k.a. Patrick
03-29-2010, 11:18 AM
D, how can your argue with that!

03-29-2010, 11:22 AM
D, how can your argue with that!

Pretty tough I guess .. he is a Pro .... I posted this over here because I thought after all these years I might be missing out on something..... But my logical old mind says .. Hmmm...

David Fermani
03-29-2010, 11:34 AM
Clay is abrasive and creates marring, thus it *could* wear away paint. You`d have to use a very aggressive grade and rub it over the surface many 1000 times. Pretty unlikely IMHO.

03-29-2010, 11:44 AM
However, David, very strong guys like me have to be very careful when using clay so we dont grind down to the bear metal...

03-29-2010, 11:46 AM
Heh heh, I think what a.k.a. Patrick meant is "how can you argue with somebody who`s so [silly] ". And hey...arguing over the internet....you know...

IMO this is one of those things that might be theoretically possible but will never happen for practical purposes.

BUT, OTOH...I actually know, *first-hand*, that combination of aggressive clay, lousy technique, and very thin paint (e.g., on a sharp edge) can result in it. I know because, yep :o I`ve done some "oops!"-level abrasion on *really* compromised old single stage when claying aggressively. So I guess it could happen with clearcoats too. But still :rolleyes:

Actually, I see this as being more likely to happen to somebody with experience, who pushes the envelope a bit, than with somebody who`s so new to claying that they need anyone`s adivce. I`d clayed a *LOT* of times before that little "oops!" on my old Volvo and heh heh, I doubt anybody coulda told me that I might do something like that :grinno:

Concourswanna b
03-29-2010, 12:02 PM
Think Griot`s has some item that allows you to clay w. a DA...don`t hear much about it here... would not really want to try it.

03-29-2010, 12:27 PM
Heh heh, I think what a.k.a. Patrick meant is "how can you argue with somebody who`s so [silly] ". And hey...arguing over the internet....you know...

IMO this is one of those things that might be theoretically possible but will never happen for practical purposes.

BUT, OTOH...I actually know, *first-hand*, that combination of aggressive clay, lousy technique, and very thin paint (e.g., on a sharp edge) can result in it. I know because, yep :o I`ve done some "oops!"-level abrasion on *really* compromised old single stage when claying aggressively. So I guess it could happen with clearcoats too. But still :rolleyes:

Actually, I see this as being more likely to happen to somebody with experience, who pushes the envelope a bit, than with somebody who`s so new to claying that they need anyone`s adivce. I`d clayed a *LOT* of times before that little "oops!" on my old Volvo and heh heh, I doubt anybody coulda told me that I might do something like that :grinno:

Ya in reality this guy is giving "solid" advice to a noob who like the rest of us would never have the stamina to remotely come close to doing it on anything but soft old worn out thin SS paint. The OTC clays aren`t near aggressive enough for that.

03-29-2010, 04:02 PM
I`ve been using clay since the mid 90s and have yet to burn through clear with it.

03-29-2010, 04:24 PM
What about the part saying you should have a layer of wax. Aren`t you stripping that and not gliding over it when waxing anyways? :D

03-29-2010, 06:38 PM
I recently clayed a black vehicle and afterward I noticed a lot of "marring" on the finish of the paint. I`m not sure exactly what it is, but I used A LOT of lubricant in the process. I am confused as to why the finished now looks like it has a whole bunch of holograms. Can someone explain what I am experiencing?

Envious Eric
03-29-2010, 06:51 PM
clay is abrasive, its going to mar the finish! Thats why a few of us recommend only claying when polishing.

I had a guy on another forum try to tell me clay is not abrasive at all....(shakes head)