View Full Version : OCW Wonderful!!! OID Super cloudy???

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03-27-2010, 11:24 AM
I just recently got my OID and OCW after reading so many great reviews about it here.

The thing is OCW is a breeze and no probs whatsoever.

I bought the 32OZ. OID concentrate and diluted it 3 parts water to 1 part OID just like it says on the bottle but I`m getting mad streaks, clouds and spots with OID.

I have a 24oz dilution spray bottle I bought from wal-mart.

I filled the spray bottle with OID concentrate until the engraved 3-1 notch mark. It also says 6oz next to the 3-1 notch mark.

Then the rest of the spray bottle I filled with reg tap water.

I used it on my jet black car with 2 coats of MEG #26 (Superbly deep wet black btw) but the OID is like I say producing clouds, streaks and spots.

I thought I`d be blown away by the OID, but not the case.

I know it can`t be the product.... what seems to be the problem guys??

03-27-2010, 11:43 AM
Not sure if this is the problem, but I filled my bottle with distilled water.

I haven`t had any problems with OID streaking. I have mine in a 32oz sprayer bottle from Sams.

Just a suggestion.. Maybe try to add a little more water and see if this helps. Or you could always buy some distilled water, and put it in a smaller bottle with OID and mix accordingly.

03-27-2010, 11:56 AM
I find it hazes somewhat sorta like Zymol Field Glaze. Just go over it again with a clean towel after it does that and then you`ll have a clear finish

03-27-2010, 12:18 PM
I used it 4 parts water and 1 part OID with no problems! Im the opposite i get streaks and cloudiness with OCW so i just use a spritz or two on each panel seems to work much better that way for me!!

03-27-2010, 02:06 PM
Not sure if this is the problem, but I filled my bottle with distilled water.

I haven`t had any problems with OID streaking. I have mine in a 32oz sprayer bottle from Sams.

Just a suggestion.. Maybe try to add a little more water and see if this helps. Or you could always buy some distilled water, and put it in a smaller bottle with OID and mix accordingly.

co-signed. :hifive:

distilled or deionized or basically any treated water works better than tap.

also i use it at 3.5-4:1 since it streaks on dark cars, and even more in high humidity. OID is a pretty damn good deal for a 32oz bottle if u dilute it right.

03-27-2010, 02:44 PM
Im the opposite i get streaks and cloudiness with OCW so i just use a spritz or two on each panel seems to work much better that way for me!!

I got the same results :think:

03-27-2010, 03:36 PM
Under exactly what conditions are you using OID? How long has it been since the #26 has been applied? How long since OCW has been applied? Has the car been washed at all since the last application of #26 or OCW? Sometimes you get product overload if the car has been recently waxed but not washed. Also, QDs can be tricky to use in the spring when there is a lot of pollen in the air because it is sticky.

Kind of hard to advise you without knowing the specifics.

03-27-2010, 05:09 PM
OP, it will take you approximately 5 separate OID sessions until you dial in the process. That`s the way it was with me.

I used it at 3:1, then I added a little water to the bottle still :). With OID, you will probably find that one sweeping spray is all you need per door panel. After that, you just spread as much as you can with the MF, then flip the MF and spread the non-visible remainder.

Two sprays per door panel with OID equals a lot of buffing to get the streaks out...in my experience, anyway.

I know most car care supplies hate the sun, but this is especially true with OID.

03-27-2010, 06:02 PM
OP, it will take you approximately 5 separate OID sessions until you dial in the process. That`s the way it was with me.

I used it at 3:1, then I added a little water to the bottle still :). With OID, you will probably find that one sweeping spray is all you need per door panel. After that, you just spread as much as you can with the MF, then flip the MF and spread the non-visible remainder.

Two sprays per door panel with OID equals a lot of buffing to get the streaks out...in my experience, anyway.

I know most car care supplies hate the sun, but this is especially true with OID.That`s exactly why I don`t use OID. Why bother when they are so many good QD`s without the fuss.

03-27-2010, 07:54 PM
I also use it 4:1. Key to it is verrrrrrry little is needed.

03-27-2010, 08:06 PM
That`s exactly why I don`t use OID. Why bother when they are so many good QD`s without the fuss.

Since when is using less product to achieve the same results a bad thing? :confused:

03-27-2010, 09:04 PM
Since when is using less product to achieve the same results a bad thing? :confused:Using less OID does not achieve the same results for me.

03-28-2010, 12:25 AM
Elaborate please...

03-28-2010, 05:29 AM
A lot of real good qd`s out there and OID is one of them. What I do ,since I don`t need a ton of product is I buy the 17oz. Always perfect.

03-28-2010, 09:31 AM
Thanks for your thoughts and suggestions everyone. really appreciate it.

@ Scott,

I applied oid by itself like 2 days after #26 had cured. Weather conditions were great. around 60 deg. with minimal humidity so i know it wasn`t the weather. Even I apply oid just by itself after a wash. it smears, clouds and spots up and I have to rub my CG monster fluffy MF towel hard many times to remove the clouds.

I am coming to the conclusion that it just might be the tap water that i used. We dont have a special fossit filter or anything, just what ever the city filters out.

I guess I`ll run to target and try it out with some distilled water and maybe a 4parts water to 1 part OID ratio and see if that helps.

will update you guys..