View Full Version : PPS Technology VS Traditional Detail

03-24-2010, 05:10 AM
Hello guys,

What are your opinions on the PPS Technology? Does this product really work or is it just a marketing hype? How does it compare to regular detailing?

Is the trend moving towards this technology?

Also, anyone here tried 5 Star Shine before? It seems to be the only company selling PPS products that I know of.

03-24-2010, 08:36 AM
IMO, the answer to your question is "maybe." I have only recently begun to explore this new technology. Seems to me that Europe is way ahead of the curve on this. 5* Shine has received some favorable comment on this board, but I have never tried it. Seems as if the most prevalent type of coating at present is silicon dioxide. 5* Shine uses something else, if I understand correctly. I have recently purchased GTechniq C2, which uses silicon, not silicon dioxide, so it is a step down. I am very pleased with it so far. This new technology is not cheap, as you might expect. The only American version of the technology, so far as I am aware, is Opti-Coat. But I have no idea as to what chemistry it employs. The problem with all this is that the coating is semi-permanent. That means if you make a mistake during application, there is no easy removal. Abrasive polish or even wet sand. For that reason manufacturers are loath to sell to the general public, due to liability concerns. At this early stage, yeah, I can see where, several years hence, this stuff will be the new standard. On the other hand vinyl wraps, etc, may obviate a lot of what we do today. Who knows? Two posters who immediately spring to mind are Bence and Apollo Auto, who are Europeans who have experience with this stuff and probably know much more about it than I.

03-25-2010, 12:36 PM
PPS is a great paint sealant...