View Full Version : 3 Product Desert Island Bugatti

03-24-2010, 12:54 AM
For a bit of fun,

hi Autopians, just wondering if you were stuck on a desert island and had to detail a Veyron but were only allowed 3 products for the bodywork (which is swirl city), what would they be?! Obviously you are allowed your choice of machine polisher,

interested to see the results of my survey!


03-24-2010, 08:28 AM
If I were stuck on a desert island, the last thing Id be doing is paint correction.

Id probably be hoping for a water based dressing of some sort that smells like fruit. Then maybe I could survive for a couple days.

Although, the desert island might be a good source of carnauba, now that I think of it. Theres bound to be all sorts of good waxes and oils from various plants on the island. You could probably make a great looking wax!

And if you got some sand that was fine enough, you could mix it with a plant extract as the carrier and have a pretty decent compound.