View Full Version : Engine Cleaning Question

03-22-2010, 12:10 AM
Hi there just wondering on my 2008 Ford Explorer I want to clean the engine but im nervous about doing it as I dont want to wreck anything. I have read up on some to clean the engine just wondering do you guys recommend having the engine on or off during the whole engine cleaning. I have heard its better to have it on but was wondering what you guy thought. And also I have attached a picture of my trucks engine below to see if you guys recommend covering anything. The picture attached is just a stock photo for my truck as my engine is really dirty. Thanks


03-22-2010, 05:54 AM
just cover the alternator and your belts and you`ll be fine...I use a mild degreaser, then scrub scrub scrub....then I dry everything....then ( its up to you ) weither or not you want to dress it...i always do and I use chemical guys fade to black or Sonus motor kote

03-22-2010, 10:00 AM
I would *not* do any work like that with the engine running. Too many belts/etc. moving around just begging you to feed them fingers.

Thomas Dekany
03-22-2010, 10:07 AM
This is what I do - never had any issues ever.

1 - with the hood closed spray off front off the car

2 - spray engine compartment/inside of hood with degreaser/apc (I use HD TOTAL)

3 - wait 5 minutes

4 - start engine

5- hose off engine compartment - a pressure washer is better but I don`t use one right now, either way works

6- run engine for 15 or so minutes.

7- turn off engine, spray dressing on

David Fermani
03-22-2010, 10:28 AM
On that Engine I`d cover the Coil Pack and the Fuse Box. I`ve cleaned several 1000 Explorer engines w/o 1 problem.

*Blow out loose debris (leaves/bugs)

*Pre-Rinse loose dirt

*Pre-Soak with APC - (I like Optimum Power Clean best)

*Aggitate with brush (APC won`t cut oil/grease w/o aggitation)

*Rinse from Passenger>Center>Driver

*Compressed Air / Leaf Blower

*Done (Or Dress if you like a shiny engine?)

**Don`t start the engine until all the water is evacuated. Water is a conductor and will create problems**

tom p.
03-22-2010, 10:36 AM
This is what I do - never had any issues ever.

1 - with the hood closed spray off front off the car

2 - spray engine compartment/inside of hood with degreaser/apc (I use HD TOTAL)

3 - wait 5 minutes

4 - start engine

5- hose off engine compartment - a pressure washer is better but I don`t use one right now, either way works

6- run engine for 15 or so minutes.

7- turn off engine, spray dressing on

Step 2- P21S TAW is very nice underhood as an alternate.

I clean the underhood pad at the same time as they are typically dirt traps and quite filthy.

I like using the pressure washer held at a distance since it`s uses a only a fraction of the water the garden hose does and cleans like nothing else.

I will carefully blow off water using compressed air. I`ll pat dry any remaining pools.

I typically let the car sit for a few hours before I re-start it.

I`ll often close the hood and rinse the windshield and front fenders a 2nd time to minimize any collateral damage.

The CD engine detailer works well as a follow up. The Total HD leaves a nice, light sheen if you have that on hand.

As suggested by the others, you really need to excercise some degree of caution when doing this job and should think twice if you`re planning to do it to someone else`s car ;)


03-22-2010, 05:40 PM
CD 2 Engine dressing is my personal fav. I too use some APC and a brush preceeded by a good rinse then rinse again, dry and liberally spray CD 2 let almost dry start up let the motor warm up then wipe any excess off looks great for months.

03-22-2010, 07:30 PM
if thats your engine in the picture, i dont know if i would use water probably more like apc in a squirt bottle and a damp micro fiber.... it seems pretty damn clean!!...on second though i just read your whole post and now im sorry for this post!