View Full Version : Metro Vac N`Blo® Portable Vacuum

03-19-2010, 08:34 PM
I`ve been using a Fein 9-11-55 vacuum for a long time and I think it`s a great machine, it lasted, it was quiet and it`s not huge but I just got a new vehicle to work out of and it didn`t fit as well as I wanted. So, I decided to try and find a smaller but still powerful replacement. I settled on the Metro Vac N`Nbo, in the 4 HP, 11amp configuration. I`ve been using it a few days now so here`s what I think so far.

First, like the size a lot. It fits in a cloth bag with all the tools and takes up about the space of two toasters - big toasters. The machine moves plenty of air, the lift is very impressive. The blower function works very well. For me, it`s much better than carrying a dedicated blower. I like being able to move the nozzle back and forth quickly particularly on wheels. It`s like having an air nozzle running off a compressor but without the huge tank and without running out of air.

The way the motor is configured, the air from the vacuum cools the motor and there is a large foam filter that should keep anything big enough to cause problems out of the working parts. I`m sure that`s the theory anyway, and time will tell, but I don`t expect problems.

The vacuum is also, wait for it... very quiet for a machine a powerful as it is. They say it has 95 inches of lift and I believe it. You can pull the floor mats out of the car with the lift it generates. As a side note: power and amps run side by side, just because the machine is small doesn`t mean less powerful, look at the amps pulled by various polishers and you`ll see the Hitachi is, while being the one of the lightest, is also the most powerful. The Metro Vac is powerful!

I also ordered two extra cloth filter bags so I can have one in the machine, one to be taken out of the machine and washed and drying out for the next use and a spare.

Getting back to the vacuum and the nit picking. I ordered two of the six foot hoses because I knew one wouldn`t be enough and I was right. I like being able to put the vacuum in one place and then move around the car without having to relocate the machine, it`s not that big a deal with a unit as small as the vac and blo, but still, moving a machine is an extra step and I try to take the steps that move the process forward whenever I can. So, order the two hoses. You`ll be happier. Notice I said, happier, not exactly happy. These hoses are good but they collapse a bit when you really apply the vacuum and seal off the air for maximum lift. Not terrible, but the hose shortens up a few inches.

The accessories aren`t what I think of as professional weight. They`re more in line with what you`d expect in a home quality machine, in fact, they`re lighter than what has come on my home cannister vacuums so their durability is suspect out of the box. Suspect, not obviously bad, but still something to think about. Since I have vacuum attachments that I`ve gotten used too and have modified to work the way I like, left over from my last few machines, I`ll be switching these out anyway, so it`s no big deal.

The other thing is, this is not a wet dry vacuum but I don`t do the kind of detailing where a wet vacuum is required.

So, the verdict. I`d say 8 out 10, which for me is a very high rating. If the hose and accessories were heavier duty, 10 would have been a no brainer. At under $200 dollars on sale, a machine that`s small, quiet, powerful and two function, vac n blo, should be on the short list of anyone looking for a good effective machine for their mobile rig or home use.

And now, a related short story. Another reason for cloth bags.

I make it a habit to check my vacuum after every car just in case I`ve managed to vacuum up some valuable item from a crevice or under the seats. (The VacNBlo, has a cloth bag, so that`s the related part.)

A few years ago, after vacuuming a very nice car for a very elegant and well off woman, I found a beautiful antique diamond and ruby ring in my vacuum.

I waited till the car was finished and she`d seen it and when she said, "You did a wonderful job on the car. Thank you." I said, "Not only that, I found your ring!" and held it out for her, all proud of myself. She looked at the ring and said, "It`s a lovely ring Robert, but it isn`t mine." Stunned, I said, "I don`t know what to tell you, I found it in your car." Regrouping, "Maybe one of your girlfriends lost it." And she said, "No, none of my girlfriends have reported losing a ring, but my boyfriend borrowed my car last week, maybe he knows who`s it is." So, I held out the ring, and as I handed it to her, I said, "Well, here, and we will never speak of this again." She gave me a smile that if I were her boyfriend I wouldn`t have wanted to see, and for me that was the end of it. I took care of her cars for several more years until she left the area and we never did speak of it again.


03-20-2010, 08:45 AM
Thanks for that review. It`s the same vac I am looking at or the wall mount unit for my home type shop.

The lift is impressive and will work great for pet hair removal with the right tool. Yes, the hose should have at least 12`, if not 25. I like a long hose as well- especially on wall mounted unit.

Thanks, Rob

I located cigarettes once and explained how I was able to get them out from a small area between the seats...was waiting for a, "Thank you," when the customer said, "I don`t smoke, but my son borrowed the car this week." (he was 17). He was not happy, but did thank me for the heads-up.

It helped explain why the kid gave me "mean looks" for a while. :)

03-20-2010, 09:02 AM
[quote name=`It helped explain why the kid gave me "mean looks" for a while. :)[/QUOTE`]

And maybe why he can still take a deep, surly breath. :goodjob


03-20-2010, 06:29 PM
+1 on the short hose and flimsy looking attachments. I like that the vacuum is really quiet compared to a sweeper or shop vac. It`s a good buy!