View Full Version : Completely new to detailing- Help!!

03-15-2010, 10:42 PM
so i want to learn how to detail cars but there`s so much to take in at once. my problem right now is my test mule, an 85 mark vii, is white and im pretty sure its single stage and i dont know if all products are the same for both single and multi stage or are there different ones for each. so far what i got is polishes from most to least abrasive are wetsanding, compound, and polish. now my main question is what products do you guys think i should use for this car, should i wetsand or just start with compound, what pads with which product, and at what speed/rpm? also im looking at getting this polisher (http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=92623), is it any good to practice with?

And please dont tell me to go search for the answers, i went through tons of pages on this site already but most the time i find threads with really nice work but not too much mention of the process and products used.

-Thanks in advance
