View Full Version : Lusso Car Care lineup

07-15-2003, 03:51 PM

My parents picked up a small kit from this company when they were running a kiosk at the 50th Corvette Anniversary in Bowling Green, Kentucky. They called me, I talked to the guy running it, and of course they are intrested in getting their name out, so we picked up a $60 kit free.

Its not too much of a kit:

1. It has their car wash which is phosphate free and pH balenced.

2. A "revitalizing creme" which is supposed to be non abrasive. But yet is supposed to be excellent for removing old wax (could not tell me if it was effective against a polymer/synthetic wax, they are mainly marketing to novice car people) and tar as well. This is going to be difficult for me to use, he asked me to test only their products, skipping Megs #9 is going to be a tough one for me to do.

3. Finally their paste wax. Its actually four parts, but its basically carnuaba. Its 1 part #1 Brazillian Carnuaba, 2 parts Montan, 1 part resin. It impresses me that its a paste wax, so I know its going to have a longer durability than the #26 I use, atleast, it should.

They also throw in a clay bar, but its awfully small. I will use their clay bar, since minor differences can exist between theirs and the Clay Magic that I use now.

I am going to wake up early tommorow, and get all of this onto my car. I will prolly start around 6 AM ish and go at it, I will have before and after pictures to show you all how it goes.

07-15-2003, 04:12 PM

Testing it on your car would be somewhat useless would it not? Your car looks really great so shouldn`t you try it on someone else`s to see how it stacks uip against swirls and existing wax, tar, etc.?

Just athought.

07-16-2003, 12:42 AM
Actually thats a good point. Im going to test this on a MUCH harder customer. A 2000 Corvette, that has just been driven to Bowling Green, Kentucky and back. The only washing it received was a little bit of powerwashing before a couple of shows while there.

Should be intresting, I will keep you guys informed.

07-18-2003, 12:55 AM
Lets start with the car: First off, these pictures were taken after I had allready sprayed the car off to get rid of the loose dirt. It was immediately apparent that my last wax job was still going strong. Its only been 2 weeks, but that car has been driven over 1000 miles in those 2 weeks. Just for reference, here is the last job.

Megs #9
Megs #7
Megs #26

When I sprayed the car, there was very little beading action. The driver did admit to using powerwashers to clean the car, and used them at VERY close range to the paint to remove stubborn spots, so its no wonder the #26 was gone.



The car wash they provided was not very good. It had very little suds and was EXTREMELY oily. It was so oily that I could feel it under my fingers, and it was very obvious where you had, and had not wiped. Plus the oil was streaking down the windows.

After washing the paint felt relatively smooth, but had some stubborn spots. I decided to use their clay bar. They recommended using their wash as lubrication, but that was something I could not bring myself to do. Instead I used Megs QD and worked the spots. The clay they provided was awful, smearing all of over the place, and stuck to my hands. After working a couple spot, that clay went in the trash.

Onto their paste wax. It was very thick, but I got used to it after a few panels. The application was straight forward (60 second bonding time) and buffing was easy.


All in all, I was not impressed. The shine is mostly from the prep work I did on this car a few weeks back. The gloss from their wax leaves something to be desired.

Any input?

07-18-2003, 01:31 AM
Yeah, input the remainder of the products into the trash with the claybar. :D

07-18-2003, 01:42 AM
Thats what im tempted to do.

Anyone else? Really critique everything, I love hearing feedback on my work/bad product used.

07-18-2003, 05:26 AM
I think the car looks very nice! It`s hard to compare it to the Meguiar`s routine, as the lighting is completely different. In first photo it looks silver, in the last one it looks like taupe or gold.

In the end, you are right there with the vehicle, and can see it close up. Therfore, you`ll need to be the judge of the products. As for the quality of your work................ wanna do mine! :D

07-18-2003, 05:55 AM
The car looks nice Dan. What color is it? The lighting makes it tough to tell on this one.

07-18-2003, 01:47 PM
Its technically pewter. I will take another picture here in a few minutes with natural ambient lighting, instead of direct flourescent.

07-18-2003, 02:13 PM

Nice job on the Vette I clean this one about every 2 to 3 weeks. I get to pick and delivery the car and for the few miles that I get to dive it its a blast.

07-18-2003, 03:23 PM
More after photos. This wax is starting to impress me somewhat, seems to remind me of P21S, and the applicaiton of it was definately just as easy as P21S. I have never used P21S but im just going off what other people have said of it.


And another
