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07-15-2003, 03:19 PM
What would you guys say to this?

You feel that a carnuba/silicone based product will top Zaino? You detail for a living and still feel this way??

Plain and simple....Zaino is a clear coat POLISH. When you do your car..your never touching the paint but just the clearcoat. Zaino is non abrasive, non silicone,non solvent, non carnuba product. Its a polish....not a wonder worker...not a problem fixer. It will over time "fill in" or hide swirls and minor imperfections. It does this due to the "stacking" property that it can acheive that other products simply cannot do. The reason for this is this is...Wax products such as meguires/zymol/turtle wax whatever you prefer...they ALL have some or all of the following:

*Silicone - Used for cover up and hiding of problems temporarily.

*Abrasives - Used to "cut" the surface of the clearcoat down in order to fix the problem area which is fine for problem fixing...not weekly/monthly use as you will wear the finish down eventually and have no paint left.

*Silicone - Used to fill in the scratches that are created by the abrasives and fill in any other imperfections in the surface.

*Solvents- used to Strip the old coats off each time to avoid Yellowing due to the fact that Carnuba is used and will yellow/discolor over time.

99% of the products on the market CAN NOT "stack" due to the solvents/cleaners/abrasives in the product. Zaino accomplishes this due to its chemical makeup and the fact that it bonds with the clearcoat and that its a synthetic product. This is the reason it cant be easily removed. It also contains UV protectant that none of the others use. Hands down it will out last/out protect and out shine any product on the market.

Yes....cleaning the surface up first is a step that should not be avoided EVER....you can use anything after its been prepped to make it look good...but you are doing a couple of things to reverse your work. By applying a cheap product with all the above or some of the above crap in it....you are undoing what you just fixed..by putting more fine scratches in the finish or by applying something that will cloud up and look crappy over time. It will also not protect your finish. Zaino takes care of all of this.

Zaino is SIMPLE, FAST and easy. I have never had anything apply easier or come off better and Smell so good doing it!! lol
No I AM not a salesman for Zaino. And those that say it takes too long....I can do a car from start to finish in less than 2-3 hours and if its been zainoed ...it can be done in under 1 hr

Back to the original topic....Clay bars are great and should only need to be used 1-2 x a year unless you live somewhere that you have lots of sap or something getting on the surface of you car/truck.
IF YOU DROP YOUR CLAY BAR!!! THROW IT AWAY! Its not worth risking tearing up your finish.
When you get a new claybar....Try this...its what I do...Cut it into sections...so if you do drop it...you only lose a little peice of it.

In case your wondering...I do detail as well....Not trying to bust your balls just curious on what makes you feel its better than Zaino.

07-15-2003, 03:54 PM
First, I don`t detail for a living. However, I am a Zaino fan, but don`t agree with everthing in those statements. Some of it`s true, some not. For example, Zaino will NOT fill in swirls over time, unless they were very minor to begin with........... and the rest I`ll leave at that.

Having said that, I`m open-minded enough to try just about anything, and everthing.............. and usually do! :D

07-15-2003, 04:37 PM
Eh? No solvents?

Then what are mineral spirits?? C`mon, we all know it has mineral spirits. Not a big deal but to claim zero solvents is an untruth.

I`m so open minded that I love alot of different products but I stay away from the "this is the best arguments".

I know a man that would praise a monkey butt if it had a Z shaved in it and tell you how that monkey butt is far superior to all the other monkey butts in the world. When it comes down to it... it`s just a monkeys butt.

07-15-2003, 04:50 PM
The "Zaino Argument" is just the reason I don`t use Zaino. It seems that much of the Zaino community has a thing about having to convert the rest of the world to using the product. It is for just that reason that I have no interest in it.
For what it is worth, I have used Zaino and while it was a good product it obviously wasn`t enough better than the others on the market to keep me using it.
What I use today may or may not be what I use next week, but one thing for sure, it will be what I use and I won`t be trying to convert anyone to that product.
If you are happy with it, by all means use it. Just don`t feel you need to convert me as well.

07-15-2003, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by CharlesW
The "Zaino Argument" is just the reason I don`t use Zaino. It seems that much of the Zaino community has a thing about having to convert the rest of the world to using the product. It is for just that reason that I have no interest in it.
For what it is worth, I have used Zaino and while it was a good product it obviously wasn`t enough better than the others on the market to keep me using it.
What I use today may or may not be what I use next week, but one thing for sure, it will be what I use and I won`t be trying to convert anyone to that product.
If you are happy with it, by all means use it. Just don`t feel you need to convert me as well.

You read my mind.:)

Coastal Eddie
07-15-2003, 05:00 PM
I have a new favorite almost monthly. Right now it Farecla G10 with a G Mop Pad (especially for dark colors). Hard to find at times but a helluva product.

But I always come back to Megs products as the main "staple" in my cabinet and use a ton of the stuff.

07-15-2003, 06:00 PM
I`m the Zaino nemesis .....

My posts on Autopia prove that :P

07-15-2003, 06:30 PM
I shoulda come back here sooner .. the constant battles over there are starting to piss me off :(

The Fuzz
07-15-2003, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by Smoker
I`m the Zaino nemesis .....

My posts on Autopia prove that :P

As long as you respect the mullet then I don`t have a problem with you here. The mullet doesn`t use Z, but the posibilty is still out there.

07-15-2003, 06:43 PM
OK Fuzz.... keep the m word in your forum only.... when you come out here you have to be serious...

remember what happened to superb?

The Fuzz
07-15-2003, 06:49 PM
Awwwwww..... :(

07-15-2003, 07:11 PM
Wow, all this knowledge and Professional Detailing skill, especially for a 17 year old that just began driving a year ago!

Clear coat is PAINT! It is not some magical coating on the surface of the "paint". It is simply---paint!

Where did you get all of this information from? From the chemists of the various manufacturers or some marketing advertisement?

Mineral Spirits is better known as Paint Thinner--that would be a solvent.

07-15-2003, 07:52 PM
Tell me that you were just quoting that from another board or website or something. Those opinions are too narrow minded and are just blanket statments that really don`t have the research to support the claims. Didn`t you ever go to school and learn that whenever you are taking a true/false test that the best way to know the statement is False is when words like `Always` or `Never` are used. Nothing is absolute. You can`t say that ALL products have something in them and Zaino is excluded unless you can support that with the chemical composition of ALL products. I`m sure that Zaino shares more in common with off the shelf products like DuraGloss than some people would think. It has things in it that makes it unique, but not THAT unique. The problem with Zaino fanatics is that they tend to think of Zaino as the only son of God or something. It isn`t the supreme leader of the car care world. It may be good stuff, but no product can claim that it is the best. Anything that does claim that is usually pretty crappy. Just think about that for a second... When was the last time you saw something advertised as the cats pajamas and it actually was?

....I can do a car from start to finish in less than 2-3 hours and if its been zainoed ...it can be done in under 1 hr

If it takes you can shave 2 hours off your detail job simply because of a product on the surface, then you take too damn long on cars that don`t have Zaino on them. Any waxed car should take you the same amount of time as a Zainoed car. What is it about a car with Zaino that seems to magicly make the job go by faster? Do the beads of water on a Zaino car soak up faster than the beads of a car with Platinum on it?

In case your wondering...I do detail as well....Not trying to bust your balls just curious on what makes you feel its better than Zaino.

When you say that, what are you talking about? "..what makes you feel its better than Zaino." What product are you talking about? My guess is that you hit the "new thread" button instead of the reply button. Maybe this would all make more sense if we knew what thread it was supposed to be a response to. As it stands, it make no sense and really doesn`t make you look too good. I`m not trying to be mean... It just doesn`t make sense and is just not very objective.

The Fuzz
07-15-2003, 08:13 PM
Good observation. Which thread were you replying to when you made that post, Tassadar? Let me know and i`ll merge this one with the rest of the thread.

Just remember to keep it civil in here. Things get hot when people start defending their favorites or their opinions. I would tell you to respect the M word, but that is for another forum. ;) Respect each other instead.

07-15-2003, 08:42 PM
I took it as him asking us what we would say to someone who said this to us. Am I right tassadar, you were probably reading this somewhere else and qouted it here to see what we would say in response.