View Full Version : question for the langka experts? (dull paint)

03-08-2010, 03:10 PM
im using langka (blob eliminator to be exact) to repair some scratches. while it does a GREAT job of smoothing the paint, it also dulls the color (of the touched up area)

car is bmw black sapphire metallic. the touchup paint comes with a separate tube of clearcoat. will applying the clearcoat deepen the color back to original? should i apply the clear, AND THEN use the langka?

any help would be appreciated.

03-08-2010, 03:21 PM
While i have never used that product anything that does not have clear coat over it in reference to paint will appear DULL. It is to my understanding that searching their website got me some results to show you.

For metallic paint finishes they recommend you use the squeegee method. Here are the directions:


There are two methods and it is your choice which one you decide to use.

Method 1: The SQUEEGIE Method.

This method is extremely good for Deep Scratches OR Metallic paints OR paints that seem to dull or loose their shine OR if you keep pulling the paint out of the scratch. It is very simple to do.

1. Clean the chip or the scratch using LANGKA Pre Paint

2. Fill the Scratch with Paint: Apply a drop of the touch up paint using a Microbrush to the end of the scratch (or chip), then use the plastic card`s edge to "squeegie" the touch up paint down the length of the scratch (keeping the edge on the surface of the vehicle. It`s sort of like spreading butter on toast). You have now filled the scratch with paint, and in this process will have also spread (smeared) paint on both sides of the scratch or chip. Again, at this point, you will have wet paint in the scratch and smeared paint on both sides of the area. Not to worry! :-)

3. Removal of Paint: While the smeared paint is still wet, wrap a clean cloth over your index finger, and apply The Blob Eliminator to the cloth/finger. Rub The Blob Eliminator into the cloth to soak the cloth. Using your finger, carefully wipe off (surgically as possible) and remove the excess "wet" smeared paint from the surface, again, while it is still wet. Try NOT to rub over the still wet touch up paint residing in the scratch or chip. If you do disturb the wet paint in the scratch or chip...just go back to Step 2 and start over. No big deal.

4. Allow the remaining paint that you could not initially remove and the wet paint in the scratch to dry. In 2 to 4 hours, check the scratch to see if the paint has dried and "shrunk" in size. If you wish, you can repeat the steps 2 & 3 above to further fill in the chip with touch up paint to get a more smooth end result.

5. Once the scratch is filled with paint to your satisfaction, and it has dried sufficiently (2 to 4 hours), wrap the plastic card with a smooth, clean, cotton cloth, apply The Blob Eliminator to the cloth/card, and smooth down any remaining paint along the edges of the scratch. IF you did step 3 above well enough, you may not need to do this step.

6. IF you pull paint out of the scratch, just repeat the above steps, be more gentle the next time... this is the "finesse" aspect we mentioned earlier.

03-08-2010, 04:06 PM
thanks for the reply vtec.

unfortunately i cant use the squeegee method since theres way too many scratches close together....or it might have something to do with my fat fingers :)

i`ll try applying the clearcoat and see what happens. thks again!

03-08-2010, 04:26 PM
IMO, it does not work very well with the clear, at least the clears I have. Have you tried polishing the dulled spots? That usually gets it pretty close to decent for me.