View Full Version : magic spray wax in a bottle!!!!

03-05-2010, 09:40 PM
i love these guys that travel around advertising their magic spray wax....everyone has seen these guys...his spray obviously is nothing more than a glaze...

YouTube - Next to Meguiars Color X by demand... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_YutgNGxxE)

03-06-2010, 02:12 PM
He deleted all my comments about his tests, including the one I left on his page. You can`t compare apples and oranges together. I`d rather spend my money on something that is compared correctly ;)

03-06-2010, 05:59 PM
MY comment is pending approval... if your showing a deatiling product you chould atleast show it in HD, even then it`s somthing you need to see in person.

03-06-2010, 08:45 PM
his claims are hilarious....he cant possibly think his spray wax removes scratches and swirls...

03-06-2010, 08:50 PM
look at this.......

same guy, what a douche

YouTube - The Ultimate Detail (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfk2_0pZJ2Y)

03-06-2010, 08:53 PM
his claims are hilarious....he cant possibly think his spray wax removes scratches and swirls...

maybe masks them well?? i know there was this guy who sold a product called "cera" wax. he demoed it on a black car in the sun, the results were amazing, till you washed it. but he sold tons of the stuff, i have an old bottle i bought about 15 years ago. too bad i think he`s out of business. at least he didnt bull chit people, he was straight up and said it would only last till rewashed

03-07-2010, 12:26 AM
he tries to use products that aren`t even fair side by side comparisons. his attitude and the way he carries himself is enough to not make me want to try or support any of his products...

here`s an example... using megs colorx with a rotary and it`s intended use is by hand or D/A. notice at about 5:14 that the dhl guy says the right side is more shinier (the side that colorx was used on) and then changes his mind (:lol ) to the left side where his product was used...

YouTube - Production vs Meguiars at L&G Detail (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SGsagd4bgU)

03-07-2010, 07:33 AM
I`ve worked with Production products before, and they really are decent products. Just like anything, the end result heavily relies on the process, and the method in which you do it.

I can take products by Meguiar`s, Optimum, or Production and make them all look the same. As long as you`re dealing with something *decent* you can get a nice detail out of it.

That being said, this guy is a salesman. He`s being paid to go around and promote this line, so you can`t blame him for acting like a salesman.

And as far as the product line, you certainly can`t expect to see gallons and gallons of high end *boutique* type products (like we use) in places like car dealerships. When the only charge $50-$100 for a full detail, they have to cut corners somewhere.

By the way, I actually own some "Midnight Special" and when you don`t have time to polish a black car, this product really does look insane, BUT only for a couple days because when the glaze washes off, it goes right back to looking like poop again.