View Full Version : ? about CCS pads

ocd dave
03-01-2010, 06:20 PM
Hey Everyone.

This past Saturday I did a friends `94 F-150 long story short, it went from this:


to this:


and a few of my LC pads went from brand new, to this:


(they were 2 yellows and an orange)

This was by far the worst oxidized paint I`ve ever worked on. I started off with the dewalt and a PFW the moved onto the PC with the LC pads. IME, normally the pads wear out over time but these pads just kinda gave out after a little while. I was using a good bit of force to remove the oxidation. So I`m guessing operator error.

Any thoughts on the pads and why they go out so fast on heavily oxidized paint?

No harm if anyone calls me a moron. :laugh:

03-01-2010, 06:57 PM
I`m guessing it`s your technique. My CCS pads seem to last forever (rotary only).

Very little pressure...

03-01-2010, 08:08 PM
Unless its your technique, maybe there is a bad production run on them, as I have seen other posters on forums with similar issues.

03-03-2010, 11:29 AM
That is a good example of heavy pressure, a lot of product in the pad, and high speed, prolly max setting on your PC.

I had a similar result with a green pad with my UDM. Invested in a Makita.