View Full Version : Official Pronunciation Thread

02-16-2010, 09:50 PM
Guys, I thought it would be useful for us to learn all the correct pronunciation of our beloved brands/products.

So, here are the most important ones (mostly with native speakers):

Carnauba (http://www.forvo.com/player-oggHandler.php?path=ZGF0b3Mvb2dnLzkwMDI0NjgvMTMzLz kwMDI0NjhfMTMzXzU2Mzg0NV8xLm9nZw==)

Souverän (http://www.forvo.com/player-oggHandler.php?path=ZGF0b3Mvb2dnLzg5Nzk2MTAvMzQvOD k3OTYxMF8zNF8yNzQ2NF8xLm9nZw==)

Klasse (http://www.forvo.com/player-oggHandler.php?path=ZGF0b3Mvb2dnLzg5NzkzNzQvMzQvOD k3OTM3NF8zNF8yMjAzNV8xLm9nZw==)

Migliore (http://www.forvo.com/player-oggHandler.php?path=ZGF0b3Mvb2dnLzg5ODI4MTIvNzQvOD k4MjgxMl83NF8zOTEzNjNfMS5vZ2c=)

Werkstatt (http://www.forvo.com/player-oggHandler.php?path=ZGF0b3Mvb2dnLzg5NzU5OTEvMzQvOD k3NTk5MV8zNF8yNTk3NF8xLm9nZw==)

Einszett (http://www.forvo.com/player-oggHandler.php?path=ZGF0b3Mvb2dnLzkwMzQzMDYvMzQvOT AzNDMwNl8zNF83NzMxODJfMS5vZ2c=)

Tiefenpfleger (http://www.forvo.com/player-oggHandler.php?path=ZGF0b3Mvb2dnLzkwMzQzMDYvMzQvOT AzNDMwNl8zNF83NzMzOTdfMS5vZ2c=)

Gummipflege (http://www.forvo.com/player-oggHandler.php?path=ZGF0b3Mvb2dnLzkwMzQzMDYvMzQvOT AzNDMwNl8zNF83NzM0MThfMS5vZ2c=)

Zuffenhausen (http://www.forvo.com/player-oggHandler.php?path=ZGF0b3Mvb2dnLzg5OTk2NTYvMzQvOD k5OTY1Nl8zNF81NDA5OTBfMS5vZ2c=)

Glasur (http://www.forvo.com/player-oggHandler.php?path=ZGF0b3Mvb2dnLzkwMzQzMDYvMzQvOT AzNDMwNl8zNF83NzM0ODhfMS5vZ2c=)

Porsche (http://www.forvo.com/player-oggHandler.php?path=ZGF0b3Mvb2dnLzg5ODAwNzQvMzQvOD k4MDA3NF8zNF8xNDkyXzM3Njg3Lm9nZw==)

Pneu (Swissvax) (http://www.forvo.com/player-oggHandler.php?path=ZGF0b3Mvb2dnLzg5Nzk5MjIvNDkvOD k3OTkyMl80OV8xMTYyN18xMTkzNy5vZ2c=)

Menzerna (http://www.forvo.com/player-oggHandler.php?path=ZGF0b3Mvb2dnLzkwMzQzMDYvMzQvOT AzNDMwNl8zNF83NzMxOTNfMS5vZ2c=)

David Fermani
02-16-2010, 10:04 PM
Awsome Bence. Great job!

02-16-2010, 10:15 PM

02-16-2010, 10:36 PM
I have a Mac. What program do I use to open the .ogg files?

02-17-2010, 01:31 PM
No idea. The links are simply little play buttons on the site...

02-17-2010, 02:49 PM
Could someone write these out phonetically?

02-17-2010, 02:54 PM
You need to dl a plugin for ogg vorbis. Or dl winamp. Ogg vorbis files are my fav..... Never use mp3

02-18-2010, 07:05 AM
Use Audacity for the Mac. It`s free! Audacity: Free Audio Editor and Recorder (http://audacity.sourceforge.net/)

02-18-2010, 08:50 AM
OK, I`ve got to admit it, that`s pretty cool!! :bow :bow

02-22-2010, 08:59 AM
Just added Menzerna...

02-24-2010, 08:42 PM
I have a Mac. What program do I use to open the .ogg files?

They work great with VLC, a very useful media player for the Mac (it also plays .wmv files and many others).

Thanks for posting these!

02-25-2010, 06:47 AM
I have a Mac. What program do I use to open the .ogg files?

Just go to Forvo: the pronunciation guide. All the words in the world pronounced by native speakers (http://www.forvo.com/) and serch for the words manually. you then have a play button that uses the website`s built-in audio player.

Great topic Bence! :spot

02-25-2010, 11:05 AM
Thanks Toni! I`m trying to make life easier for those who don`t know the exact pronunciation of these brands. We all have heard "strange versions". :D

BTW the links show directly to Forvo`s built-in player...