View Full Version : the detailing process ????

12-23-2005, 11:45 AM
When starting a vehichle at the clay point and then swirl removers can you reach a point where certain products will not work with others? Such as sealers ,wax`s and glazes,that may not be compatable with eachother? I use carnuba wax`s but I also like zymol and I see that zymol makes glazes that are atlantique or destinity I believe . My question is can these items be put over any other swirl removers or sealants, because the complete detail jobs covers so many steps I just wonder about products like zaino or zymol covering over certain products. Need help from the experts here I know but I hope you can help. thanks

12-23-2005, 12:01 PM
Do not know about Zymol products but with Zaino products it is best to use just Zaino.

You can use any swirl remover that you want. Then use a chemical cleaner like KIAO or the new product Zaino released called ZPC Fusion. This will get the surface ready for the Z-line of sealants.

If you have pretty good paint conditions the ZPC Fusion will do all the swirl removing for you. It is a good product.

Hope someone answers you on the Zymol.

12-23-2005, 12:40 PM
Zymol products according to Zymol do not like to bond to paints covered in certain types of oils like petroleum distilates. It would be much better to level the paint with a good polish then use a paint cleaner (like Zymol HD-Cleanse) or alcohol/water mix to remove any oils before applying Zymol.

Personally, whenever I Zymol a car for the first time I always precede the waxing with a treatment of HD-Cleanse. This is to insure that the Zymol bonds properly with the paint. With the price of this stuff I really don`t want to have to go back and do the car over.

12-23-2005, 03:11 PM
This is what I was thinking, So i would use swirl remover and then you mentioned a sealer then use the hd cleanse followed by the zymol wax? I always hd cleanse or
pre wax after a long winter but then after all that hard work is done I just keep applying wax coats over eachother. Can you apply say carnuba or zaino over zymol or just stay with zymol once you start "as a top coat only i`m asking"? thanks for the answers it helps alot.

12-23-2005, 05:04 PM
You don`t need to use a sealant if you are using Zymol. He mentioned Zaino which is a sealant as an example of a product line which has incompatabilities with other product lines.

You can use a sealant first and then top with a wax if you so desire. Some people do this. Zymol is a bit tricky when it comes to bonding and so is Zaino. So, I highly doubt you could put Zymol over Zaino, but I`ve never tried it. If you do end up using sealant and wax then you want to put the sealant on first as it`s the more stable layer.