View Full Version : Understanding polishing with D151

02-13-2010, 08:09 PM
Aright guys, so I finally did my first real polish... on black paint... and on soft black paint at that!

The results are so so. I still have plenty of marring and I even got a bit of buffer haze here and there. But nothing I`m not currently happy with... especially since I currently have 2 layers of DWG and 7 layers of UPGP on there :)

So heres are my questions and they apply to D151 via PC:

(1) Can you finish lighter colored vehicles with an Orange pad?

I read somewhere on this forum that you could finish red, white(s), silver and yellow paints with an orange pad without need to go over it with a green or white pad. I can say, from my experience, I was able to previously go over silver paint with ZPC/KAIO with a orange pad without any issues of buffer haze.

If that is the case, I would assume then that the darker the color, the lighter pad I`d have to use. On a dark blue car I`d probably go over it with a green pad and on a black car I`d use a white pad. Correct?

(2) Because D151 is unitgrit, do I need to do multiple passes at different speeds?

From what I can tell, D151 is not a diminishing abrasive compound. So I`d assume I could spread the product at a lower speed and then jump right to speed 6?

Thanks guys!


02-13-2010, 10:03 PM
1. The most aggressive pad you can use will depend on how soft your clear is. I`d think white should be plenty solid depending on the finish. You don`t want to get to the point that the 151 will be hiding any marring you could be inducing.

2. Using a PC, you should be fine barely spreading it enough (it`s some thick stuff) then going at it should be fine. Because you`ll be using a DA, you shouldn`t have to lower the speed and finesse the 151 down

02-19-2010, 12:00 AM
I havent had 151 finish nicely for me on soft paint. Even with a combination of pads, speeds, pressures etc.. Hard paints its really nice even medium paints.