View Full Version : Fine scratches in plastic `chrome` - how to fix?

02-04-2010, 01:22 PM
My new ride has a chromed plastic grill insert, and the previous owner appears to have cleaned it with scotchbrite pads. :down As a result, the chrome is showing many fine scratches. I doubt chrome polish will work as this is not actual chrome. Should I try a light polish or glaze? ScratchX? Any thoughts or suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

02-04-2010, 03:19 PM
SurfWagon- Welcome to Autopia!

IME nothing will really fix that problem except having it re-"plated" or just replacing it. Sometimes multiple applications of your LSP (Last Step Product, i.e., "wax" or sealant) will make it a little less obvious.

There`s no way to abrasively polish out damage, so I wouldn`t try the Scratch-X. IMO something like that`s more likely to make things worse instead of better.