View Full Version : Leaked gas tank: How would you approach this?

01-25-2010, 10:15 PM
A customer has a 32 Ford Roadster that is an awesome rod to say the least. Recently the gas tank sprung a leak so today I spent taking the ENTIRE interior out as well as the gas tank and trunk lining. After that was done I scrubbed all the floor boards down with a water/dawn mixture and some APC in the joints. Vacumed and wiped everything up. I think it made an improvement, but now the gas has also leaked underneath and coated basically the ENTIRE underbody, transmission, axles, ect.

What do you think would be the best procedure to approach cleaning all of this?



01-25-2010, 10:21 PM
What kind of gasoline is this? Leaded or unleaded? Aged gasoline or fresh?

Is the undercarriage restored and polished? Or is it rusty and greasy?

It would probably be easier to approach it later, after the gasoline has evaporated. I ocassionally use gasoline to clean certain parts of the vehicle, and it doesn`t do much harm.

01-25-2010, 11:17 PM
Put it on a lift and go to work...just like the inside.

01-26-2010, 12:16 AM
That`s what I was planning on^^^^

The entire frame is painted, most of the suspension seems to be aluminum/stainless steel, fresh, unleaded gas.

I figure a myriad of brushes/degreaser/APC and towels *shrug*