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01-02-2010, 01:56 AM

I wasn`t sure where to post this so pardon my post if it starts in the wrong place.

First, the best of holidays to you all and your families. I hope you all got what you wanted under the tree and that you will also enjoy a very Happy New Year in 2010.

We all have had bad things occur to us and I`m sure I am not alone in this category around the holidays. Actually, that`s how I happened upon Autopia originally and all the information about car care.

I have been going through some serious medical issues the past year and a half, all causing huge amounts of anxiety, fear and of course the physical side effects & aspects associated w/recovery. Not to bleed all over the keyboard, but my situation included major (really major) abdominal surgery, post-operative radiation/chemo treatments and then scans & tests every 2-3 mos. After these past 18 mos., I`ve come up the curve and begun to feel like "myself" again. Have had a yr. of really great test results. My latest scan in mid-December showed a little "something" different and I need to have another test in a week or so, where they look closer at it endoscopically & take a sample to test.....so, back on the anxiety/dread/fear merry-go-round again. It scares me so and I pray that I will be OK so I can just "be" and live a long, happy life in peace. It seems so difficult and debilitating and I know some of you can relate to this.

Since becoming part of the forum, I`ve been able to learn a lot and get connected with some good people, not only those who are experts in detailing, but just nice acquaintances and good buds through the wizardry of information technology. (I also now have a new addiction to detailing products - with a 6ft. cabinet full of Optimum, DP, Pinnacle, Lake Country, Porter Cable, etc.. and about a "zillion" microfiber towels.:))

That`s why I feel comfortable that I can reach out to you now. If you can find it in yourself, have a good thought or say a prayer that all will be OK with me in this trying time, that this is just something that amounts to nothing and that I AM disease free & healthy.

Update: Jan. 11, 2010 - After juggling schedules & ensuring that I have someone with me for the test (especially to get me home after anesthesia ) it`s now scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 12th. Thanks again to all who have sent their best & prayers to me. Set the good thought-GPS for zip 14642 next week and keep them beaming in that direction. Thanks an awful lot guys. It means a lot for you to care.

Update: Jan. 22, 2010 - Just thought I`d add a quick status about the tests last week and thank you all again for your concern and well wishes. The test I had on Jan. 12 had to be aborted for safety reason midway through and is now rescheduled again for Jan. 26 @ 1PM EST. Seems that my three degrees failed me and I didn`t interpret the prior day`s eating instructions correctly. (Plus my specific system doesn`t digest food as quickly as others, so some remained in my stomach.) The doctor and I discussed that prior to attempting the process, but decided to try anyway, just couldn`t be finished. Plus, had another scan like I have had every 2-3 mos. for the past year+ on Friday. By the time I was done with that, I was cooked and the balance of Friday was shot, as was Saturday. But, the sun popped out here on Sunday and I was feeling better. Just still the growing anxiety of doing the test over again, this time under general anesthesia. What fun....... Just keep praying and hoping I AM healthy and FREE of disease. Reset your good thoughts & prayer beams for zip 14642 again on Jan. 26th @ 1PM. Thanks so much for caring guys.

Hope all of you have had a great holiday and will be well & successful in the new year. 2010 WILL be a very good year for all of us!! The best!

See ya. :wavey

.....and best regards,


Thomas Dekany
01-02-2010, 02:37 AM
If you can find it in yourself, have a good thought or say a prayer that all will be OK with me in this trying time, that this is just something that amounts to nothing and that I AM disease free & healthy. Bob

I will say a pray for you but try to believe it yourself - that alone can cure you, according to some. Focus on what you do want.

I hope my thoughts will help you somehow.

Happy 2010!!!!

01-02-2010, 03:16 AM
glad to hear your doing better, and I`ll gladly include you in my prayers.

01-02-2010, 03:17 AM
Thank-you for your kind words. I do try to believe it and say & pray it to my self and with others often. My mantra, given to me by my girlfriend early in my recovery & who helps me practice it, is: "I am healthy, I am free of disease". I have been on an upward and very fortunate path to recovery and don`t what to go back now. I want to be all well and really get back to being "me", again.

I appreciate the encouragement. And thank-you for you positive thoughts for me. I`ll remember them as the test comes up in about a week.

See ya. :wavey

................and best regards,


I will say a pray for you but try to believe it yourself - that alone can cure you, according to some. Focus on what you do want.

I hope my thoughts will help you somehow.

Happy 2010!!!!

01-02-2010, 03:20 AM
Thank-you jDizz, I appreciate your good thoughts and prayers for my health and the best possible results from my tests. It means a lot when from people who you don`t really know but can reach out to in difficult times.

See ya. :wavey

............and best regards,


glad to hear your doing better, and I`ll gladly include you in my prayers.

01-02-2010, 03:22 AM
PS - nice choice in car colors for your avatar!! :D What is it in the photo??


See ya. :wavey

I will say a pray for you but try to believe it yourself - that alone can cure you, according to some. Focus on what you do want.

I hope my thoughts will help you somehow.

Happy 2010!!!!

01-02-2010, 04:22 AM
mark 11:24.

"So I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have recieved it and it will be yours"

01-02-2010, 09:08 AM
Jesus legally redeemed me from the bondage of sickness and disease and every other work of the enemy. (Luke 13:10-17)

By Jesus` stripes I am healed. (1Peter 2:24)

As I serve the Lord, sickness is taken from my midst. (Ex. 23:25)


I believe and pray for your complete healing. God healed me when I was in my twenties and almost died. I can empathize with where you`re at. Continue to pray and ask for His mercy and healing and claim victory in His name.

We yellow vette guys gotta look out for each other. Stay well my friend. :2thumbs:


01-02-2010, 09:42 AM
Pray to God. Health is #1. I am a Type 1 Diabetic on an Insulin Pump so I can relate to illness. Take it 1 day at a time and look to your family & friends for inspiration.

Keep a positive attitude. Look foward to what makes u happy- like reading Autopia forums! I would research the illness on the net and make sure that u have the best doctors. Sometimes, finding the right doctor can make a world of a difference.

Good luck to u and i will keep u in my prayers!!!

01-02-2010, 11:13 AM
Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. God can do what no other man can do. Keep us posted or you can PM me anytime. God Bless!

01-02-2010, 12:08 PM
tenorplayer23- Wishing you all the best. The uncertainty must be quite unsettling.

01-02-2010, 03:54 PM
And he said unto the lord , "lord, why hast thou forsaken me?" , and the Lord said unto him, "Dude , look at your car, you need to get some Zaino on that car man!!"

All kidding aside, the thoughts and prayers of me and my family are with you at this time, I`ll ask you one favour in return.

A friend of mine said that what really helped him during his treatment was the help and support from the other folks going through treatment, he was scared as hell, and they helped him through it. If you get the chance, help out someone else, you`ll see them when you`re there, its the little things that make the difference.

Please god, all will work out for you, my thoughts are with you

01-02-2010, 03:58 PM
"Our prayers will help you, your prayers may help someone else"

01-02-2010, 07:37 PM

Barry Theal
01-02-2010, 08:02 PM
I understand where your coming from I actually suffer from a few medical illness that can be tough to deal with. For one My knee are pretty much like a 90 year old mans knees and I also suffer from PTSD and that was very hard to deal with. IN my early to mid twenties I began to drink heavily to cope with a lot of things. 2 dui`s 6 months on work release for them. I almost lost my wife, kids, and everything. Today almost 5 years later ( April 9th) I am free from the bondage of drugs and alcohol. I am actually living a dream now. Life is very good.

God Grant me the serenity to accept things I can not change and the courage to change the things I can.

My prayers are with ya. If you ever want to chat. Call me. I can relate and if not I`m a good listener!