View Full Version : Deep Scratch on my wifes ford fusion

12-28-2009, 06:26 AM
well our garbage guy scratched our 2008 fusion with the trash cart. It is a scratch from the top of the rear wheel to the bumper, its not very wide, but is deep.

I had some quotes done for it and they want from 700 to 1200 bucks.

can you fill in with touch up paint like a chip??

I will post a pic later today of the scratch.

Any advise for doing it myself would be helpful, before i shell out that kinda of money.

12-28-2009, 08:38 AM
If its down to the metal you don`t have much of a choice.

Pics will help.

12-28-2009, 09:29 AM
Been there, done that, and the answer is "probably not". I`ve tried, and it shows like hell. I ended up filing an insurance claim, and had them pay for the repair. Because my car was parked at the time (happened in a Meijer parking lot), it was counted as a "not at fault" accident, and AAA never penalized me for it.

12-28-2009, 09:42 AM
Again, depending on how deep the scratch is will determine what options you have. I agree that a pic would be much better for determining the extent of damage. For example, here is a 2008 Ford Explorer that I did yesterday. The client wanted the "key" marks removed along with a full detail. I was able to effectively wet sand the key mark on the side as they were not that deep, but as you can see on the rear, the mark was so deep, that wet sanding was not going to help. I still wet sanded the rear to remove as much of the mark as possible, however, the paint thickness readings were around 125um, so I didn`t want to go any further after wet sanding to 113um.

Here is what the scratch on the side looked like when the vehicle arrived:


Here is after wet sanding and buffing:


Here is what it looked like under halogen lighting after wet sanding and buffing:


Here is the rear upon arrival:


Here is what it looked like after wet sanding and buffing...you can still see the deeper parts of the keying:


12-28-2009, 10:13 AM
Wait....if the trash guy did it (and you have proof/witness) then why not just call them and get them to pay for it? If they refuse, file a claim with thier insurance company.

If it is down to the metal, your repainting it.