View Full Version : Glass restoration

12-21-2009, 11:49 PM
So the glass on my car has lots of fine line scratches and overall is in pretty poor condition no matter how well you clean it, ive tried every solvent known to man to try to get it clean but it appears that its just the glass it self that is just difficult to see out of, so i did some searching online for ways to restore automotive glass, and i came upon this....


Amazon.com: Professional Glass Polishing System: Automotive (http://www.amazon.com/Professional-Glass-Polishing-System/dp/B000OGZZYQ/ref=pd_sbs_auto_6)

and i was wondering if anyone has ever used anything similar to this to restore glass?

Setec Astronomy
12-22-2009, 07:37 AM
Yes, that works pretty well. I would recommend using a rotary, and be VERY careful when doing this, the glass will get very hot and if you melt or distort the plastic layer in the middle, you will need a new windshield. Use plenty of water, and stop frequently. The other difficult thing is that windshields are big, the pads are small, hard to do an even job, and regardless, you cant remove too much without the possibility of creating distortion in the glass.

12-22-2009, 07:43 AM
What about using Jeweler`s rouge? I heard that it is capable of removing scratches from windshield.