View Full Version : The Weather

12-02-2009, 07:23 AM
I have been planning on washing, claying, polishing, and waxing my car (for the 1st time) this Saturday. This morning on the news they forecasted a chance of snow with temperatures ranging from 28 to 37 degrees for the weekend.

I will be inside an unheated garage. My questions is "will it be to cold?"


Setec Astronomy
12-02-2009, 07:38 AM
Is it an attached garage? If so I think you`ll be alright, if a little uncomfortable. If you are machine polishing, that would infer that you have electricity, if you are using halogen lights, they will certainly heat the place up a bit. You can also use a small electric heater. Just make sure you don`t overload your circuit, standing next to your car in the pitch black, buffer in hand, with an unsteady halogen light fixture nearby, is no fun (ask me how I know).

tom p.
12-02-2009, 08:56 AM
I kind of set 40F as my "mental" ambient min temp for sealants. It may not be much of an issue for polishing and the like. Some carnauba based waxes don`t do well when it gets below 50F, IME.

Do you have a little space heater, Hunter, that you could throw out there for a few hours before you commence?