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12-04-2009, 12:00 PM
Honestly, I`m a lot more scared of socialism than I am over this crap. Don`t agree, check out some stories on medicine and indivual freedom coming out of the UK.

The global warming scam is an extension of socialism, basically a way to redistribute wealth.

12-04-2009, 01:03 PM
Politics are in everything, as well as, ways for people to profit (or succeed with new business ventures) when crises or challenges occur. I think I would be a lot more afraid of the real effects of a changing world climate. As far as the redistribution of wealth goes - somehow I don`t see this tied to anything socialist in nature. The data and facts will bear all this out. NASA, NOAA all have data that shows what the changes are and it`s not pretty.

If, by socialist, you`re speaking of health care in the UK, it is a lot different than the US. There is a government based system plus other company provided/purchased insurance that allow people to go beyond what is provided by their gov`t system. Public hospitals & private hospitals, for instance; different levels or kinds of service, so to speak. Not sure that it`s better or worse than what we have here. If you haven`t had a major illness or medical crises, you don`t know what you`re up against even in this country. I know - I have and I do well and am well insured. I have no idea what somebody would do w/o health insurance in this country.............for people who don`t have or can`t afford it, it is a disaster! That`s not to say we should pay insurance/benefits to everyone who is not a citizen; that needs to be fixed by regulating input. But, if you are in the position of not having, you`d think a lot differently. And, I sure don`t want anymore taxation or reduction of my wealth either...........but, the former topic is going to cost us, just to adapt and survive. Speaking of which, you don`t need to look at Europe for differences. Canada is substantially different, as well.

See ya. :wavey

12-05-2009, 10:27 AM
Interesting that we never saw this in the paper or on TV:

NASA has now silently released corrected figures, and the changes are truly astounding. The warmest year on record is now 1934. 1998 (long trumpeted by the media as record-breaking) moves to second place. 1921 takes third. In fact, 5 of the 10 warmest years on record now all occur before World War II. Anthony Watts has put the new data in chart form, along with a more detailed summary of the events.

This from DailyTech, after it was discovered the NASA data had been applied to the wrong formula.


12-05-2009, 10:34 AM
Interestingly, a study by NASA this summer showed that all planets in our solar system are also warming, due to the sun`s activity, not man made global warming! According to NASA, we are "between Ice Ages, so the warming now is nothing more than the cyclical change of solar activity."

Remember, Greenland used to be warm enough for the Vikings to have grape vineyards there....now it`s ice. The fact that it is slowly thawing doesn`t mean it`s hotter due to man made warming. Did the Vikings have SUVs and other polluters that caused Greenland to be significantly warmer 1,000 years ago?


12-05-2009, 11:19 AM
Interestingly, a study by NASA this summer showed that all planets in our solar system are also warming, due to the sun`s activity, not man made global warming! According to NASA, we are "between Ice Ages, so the warming now is nothing more than the cyclical change of solar activity."

Remember, Greenland used to be warm enough for the Vikings to have grape vineyards there....now it`s ice. The fact that it is slowly thawing doesn`t mean it`s hotter due to man made warming. Did the Vikings have SUVs and other polluters that caused Greenland to be significantly warmer 1,000 years ago?


Those longships emitted a huge amount of greenhouse gases! :)

12-05-2009, 02:52 PM
I hope we dodge the global warning bullet...............I like cars too much to give up all our V8`s & and HO engines. :( Just seems like there is too much out there that points to man made influences that aren`t good.

If you watch the guys on the BBC show, "Top Gear", they say it well, re: how much we like our automobiles & how exciting it is to have what we "want" for engine technology. In fact, I want to have a job like that here in the US on television.....how cool would that be?

Personally............I like my C5 w/it`s 350+HP. And, I had better get a move on and upgrade to a yellow C6 Z51. I think I need another 100HP.......:) :) Now, that new variant IS the hot ticket!! It`s not a Z06 nor a ZR-1, but, comes with all the goodies available on the base car with a hand built LS, Z06 wheel well flares/trim and sports suspension/brakes/transmission...........gotta have it while I still can afford premium!!

See ya. :wavey

12-05-2009, 06:43 PM
I hope we dodge the global warning bullet...............I like cars too much to give up all our V8`s & and HO engines. :( Just seems like there is too much out there that points to man made influences that aren`t good.

Actually, due to data dumps, there isn`t nearly the evidence the global warming crowd would have you believe. In addition, they won`t release what they have to other scientists for review.

12-05-2009, 06:57 PM
Do you think that the deterioration of glaziers, Antarctica/the Arctic, data from NASA & NOAA, plus the international highlight on the subject are frivolous? For a reasonable person, I think NOT.

Of course, that`s just my opinion...................I could be wrong! (But probably not:))

See ya. :wavey

I would say you are and offer scientific data to prove the ice caps aren`t "melting"


In fact the images from 79` vs 08 speak for them selves. There is/was twice the amount of snow/ice.

Those emails prove they have been fudging the data to get/make more money to line there pockets. That is what happens with science relies on government funding.

12-06-2009, 12:50 AM
The most infuriating - and borderline terrifying - program that may come to pass is this Cap & Trade legislation. Essentially, the US Government is going to create an entirely new investor classification, all in the name of a program that even dyed-in-the-wool enviro-nutties say will do exactly nothing for "climate change". No matter, there are numerous Fortune 500 companies (and oodles of "public servants") ready to jump at the chance to bet on these new securities - in much the same way that complicated mortgage derivatives were convoluted for gain over the past decade.

I`m not "anti-capitalism" - quite the opposite really - but I have a real problem with investors reaping massive fiscal rewards off of the back of the taxpayer and unwilling consumer, all as a result of an essentially pointless, government-enabled program. It`s a concept that 50 years ago would have had the educated, reasonable sectors of US populace laughing, but today irrationalism has so infected that same group of people that they`re willing to cut off their nose to spite their face.

12-06-2009, 03:15 AM
Todays power players are all corrupt.

12-06-2009, 01:55 PM
Most people seem to care very little about stuff like this, whether they choose to be ignorant or think it will not affect them, this is defiantly the wrong mind set.

Whether you love or hate Alex J. he is at least at the front lines trying to get the real story.

A link from Alex J. for those that don`t want to read the e-mail link.

YouTube - Climate Gate 1/2 ***GLOBAL WARMING - TOTAL PROOF OF FRAUD*** (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5_qO5WVKE4)

Scary that the Z movie is coming more true everyday.

12-07-2009, 10:07 PM
Anyone who still doesn`t think this is all about money...

Religious groups active in climate debate - USATODAY.com (http://www.usatoday.com/news/religion/2009-12-06-climate_N.htm)


COPENHAGEN — Negotiators will kick off a United Nations climate change summit today with immediate talks on one of the most contentious environmental issues: how much rich countries should pay poorer ones to pollute less.

Evo de Boer, the U.N.`s top environmental official, called Sunday for the 192 countries gathering here to formulate a "strong and long-term response" to stop global warming.

He says developing countries may need as much as $10 billion a year to help adapt their economies to cleaner energy sources than coal, for example.

Developing countries such as Brazil have said that they will not agree to a broader deal to cut carbon emissions at Copenhagen unless they get the money.

This is nothing but a huge wealth transfer by the UN and their socialist cronies.

12-07-2009, 11:59 PM
The religious aspect sounds a lot like a separation of church & state issue. I don`t like that persuasion anymore than I like the far right trying to legislate moral values. But, from a power base, they probably do have a lot of influence. I would just as soon have the facts out there to make a decision about the best course. As far as wealth transfer in this case, it may not be a bad thing..........just stated badly. It may truly be in our best interest. Poor economies on the upswing because of industrial transfer to their populations will undoubtedly produce "stuff" using whatever manufacturing method they want. In this country, we could legislate/levee penalties for not complying with emissions laws. We probably can`t do that in these countries (even if we were to impose tariffs on imports made by emission making production) since other nations wouldn`t do it and our businesses would then suffer for lack of competitive costing.

China is a terrible polluter and that will spread to other developing nations the same way. It may be a while, but in the not too distant future, the Chinese standard of living (and costs) will rise sending manufacturing to other under-developed nations. In fact, it may be more efficient for us to pay these countries to not pollute, even if it means deregulating pollution standards here. The benefit might turn out to be greater. I believe that there is a global pollution problem and as much as I hate the idea of anything costing me more these days (God knows, we here in New York pay a fortune in taxes....the most in the nation/especially in this county.....300 miles from NY City) we nationally, have to face it. It isn`t going away and unfortunately incentives (propelled by the almighty buck) are what will make this issue improve.

Overall, it is giving me a headache. Ugh................:(

But, that`s just my opinion.................I could be wrong! :)

See ya. :wavey

Anyone who still doesn`t think this is all about money...

Religious groups active in climate debate - USATODAY.com (http://www.usatoday.com/news/religion/2009-12-06-climate_N.htm)

This is nothing but a huge wealth transfer by the UN and their socialist cronies.

12-08-2009, 07:26 AM
I have a problem with giving money to something that is an out and out lie and a scam. There`s more scientific evidence that there is no warming - if you look past the 6:00 talking heads on the tube. It`s socialism on a global scale. We should have the balls to call this one a crock. I`m very concerned that my kids will inherit a staggering debt, lousy guv-ment run health care and live in a third world country brought that way by stupid PC correct politicians.

12-08-2009, 09:24 AM
"Tax the air they breathe"