View Full Version : Help me fix all this! **PICS**

11-24-2009, 09:33 PM
Hey everyone, I`m gonna have about a week or so coming up to really clean and repair the ES300. I thought I`d take some pictures of all the troubled areas and get the best opinions on what products/methods to use that might help the best (keeping it within a reasonable price range ;) )

The back bumper has some nice scuff marks on it from something the previous owner did, and then about a month ago a truck rubbed up against the bumper as they were pulling out :mad: .

Truck scratches:


Scuff marks:


On the other side of the bumper there are these faint lines which seems like the paint is almost cracked in a way, and I`m not sure what the solution could be.

You can faintly see a bunch of these lines running the width of the bumper:


Next we come to the wheels. The back wheels still look new, but the front ones have what seems to be a ton of fine little scratches in them. Perhaps a wheel polish could take these out?

Picture of faint little scratches:


Lastly we move inside to the driver seat leather. The car unfortunately has to be parked outside and is subject to constant sun. On my list of products to buy are leatherique (both the oil and pristine clean) as well as 303 aerospace protectant to keep everything else protected inside.

Now as far as the leartherique goes, it seems like its the best product to really get the seats nice and soft again, but I`m sure won`t make those scratches disappear. I`m not overly concerned about them, but perhaps some of you know of a better product that might be able to remove the scratches without too much messy dye (i`ll keep my fingers crossed haha).



So that`s about it for the main areas of focus. Any recommendations on general swirl removers or anything along those lines would be great too! I know the car looks pretty bad based off these pictures, but I`d like to get it back up to speed and have it looking sharp like some of the cars I`ve seen on here!

Quality Leather
11-24-2009, 10:39 PM
Unfortunately, your leather is cracked or more precisely the leather coating is cracked. I would clean it as best you can, but the preferred route is to have the areas repaired and refinished.

11-25-2009, 12:48 AM
you have some paint missing on the scratches on the bumper. pretty deep.

i would try an OEM touch up paint and work the layers slowly back to original. a wetsand and polish would be needed to get it back to near perfect condition

Atlantic Euro
11-25-2009, 02:34 PM
I dunno - I`d polish the paint issues and see what is what. Dr. Colorchip is a lot easier to use than OEM touchup and matches as well IMHO.

As for the leather, a good, hard day with the full Leatherique process would probably work wonders (though cracks aren`t going t magically disappear).

11-25-2009, 03:28 PM
You need to repaint the bumper. Those scratches are severe paint damage. You may be able to help the interior leather, but nothing short of replacing it will fix the cracks. It looks like either someone cleaned the wheels with harsh acid or the sun ate the clear coat. You could try polish, but bets are they need to be refinished by a pro or replaced (which might be cheaper in some cases).