View Full Version : Post Detailing

Greg Gellas
11-22-2009, 07:53 PM
How do you guys eductate your clients after your detail? I was making a write up to give to them to help them understand why never to go to an automatic car wash, and basic things on how to wash themselves. I just wanted to be able to give basic information to an average customer to show that I do care about their paint condition, and what they should do to keep it looking good between details..

What do you guys do to explain the a swirl o matic car wash is not the way to go? :D

11-22-2009, 07:57 PM
I`m not a professional but depending how much you make on a full correction...

Rock on swirlomatics :)


here`s a thought, take the before and after pics to highlight the results of poor auto finish care and plug it into a 1 page care a feeding flier with your business info on the bottom.

11-22-2009, 07:59 PM
Visuals are by far the best teachers. Take a ton of pics. Before`s during and afters. IF you take enough of them they won`t even have to ask or question anything. They can see for themselves exactly what you did and what it took to get the defects out. I do it with every detail package I offer. I either send the write up to them directly or I post it on here or my own website etc etc so that they can follow it and see for themselves what is going on.

Greg Gellas
11-22-2009, 08:04 PM
My thought was to help educate them with a Post detail brochure...To explain to them the dangers of automatic washes, and educate them how to wash it properly inbetwen details...Thoughts?

Greg Gellas
11-22-2009, 08:21 PM
I just realized this was supposed to go one area down...:o I clicked the wrong one...:) I was thinking about post my post detail paper but I am still working on it...Tomorrow I will :D Then I can get your real thoughts on it :)

11-22-2009, 11:14 PM
Give the customer a short paper on how to properly wash the vehicle. You don`t have to be too detailed. Chances are they are going to swirl the paint again and they will give you a call back.