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12-09-2005, 08:36 PM
a very slick car.I have 3 coats of Opti and 7 coats of Blue. We got 5 to 7 inches of snow yesterday so the streets were heavily salted. My car was covered in salt today so I took to the carwash and used a wand on it. The presoak took all the salt off. The water from this sprinkle setting flushed the salt from the sides of my car. After using this and the rinse I dried my car and went home. Happy that I never had to use the high pressure setting as I do not like to BLAST my cars when there`s salt on them.Btw if I do use the high pressure setting I spray from the sides and wash them at an angle and not flush as to not give the paint a direct hit.

12-09-2005, 10:32 PM
Very wise not to aim the high pressure directly at the paint. That can`t be good for the paint or the paint protection.

I hate the salt too. My black Grand Prix is now CRUSTY GRAY !!!

Just 4 more months to go!!! (It usually turns pretty nice around here in April)

Sounds like you have good protection on your ride!!!

Grand Prix:
Z5 x 2
Z2 x 3
UPPS x 2

Ready for salt.

12-09-2005, 10:42 PM
I try Lusty!

12-10-2005, 12:37 AM
What makes you all stay in climates like that? Jobs must be good and houses must be cheap. I just moved away from Virginia which got a good amount of snow but the cold weather just plain stinks. How do you all stand it?!

12-10-2005, 12:57 AM
My family is here!

12-10-2005, 01:12 AM
My family is here!
That`s a good reason to put up with the weather - :gathering
- at least you`ll all freeze together :wacko:

12-10-2005, 05:19 AM
What makes you all stay in climates like that? Jobs must be good and houses must be cheap. I just moved away from Virginia which got a good amount of snow but the cold weather just plain stinks. How do you all stand it?!

Because I don`t like sweating like I just finished working out, and all I`ve done is sit up (the Irish in me much prefers the cooler days).

12-10-2005, 06:30 AM
Because I don`t like sweating like I just finished working out, and all I`ve done is sit up (the Irish in me much prefers the cooler days).

I hear you there, Don. Years ago I knew that hot weather was not for me when I tried to get work in Hawaii. While there I had my first and only experience with the law.

Was walking down the beach in Waikiki, during a rather warm afternoon, when I decided to take off my shirt. Next thing you know I was surrounded by a few of Honolulu`s finest. I got arrested for fallout :gathering :rolleyes: :whistling

12-10-2005, 07:45 AM
My family is here!

That`s my exact reason for staying in KC.

I`ve been offered jobs in Arizona and California which doubled my salary, but it`s not worth it when I can`t see my boys every week.

Family is more important than money.

12-10-2005, 10:40 AM
Well here in Boston real estate is some of the most expensive in the country and jobs are just as slim here as they are anywhere else in the country IMO. But I will never leave. Just like Rabbi said my family is here and that has a lot to do with it. For four years, I lived in Florida and by the end of the fourth year I was itching to get back to Boston.

IMO it`s the same thing if you stay indoors because it`s too cold during the winter (MA) or whether you stay indoors because it`s sweltering hot outside during the summer (FL).

12-10-2005, 05:06 PM
10 coats, how was it inbetween coats?
I love the snow, but it looks like I`ll never move back up north. From here I`ll be going back to TX, and will hopefully stay there. Weather has never played a part in my decisions where to move.

12-10-2005, 08:04 PM
Deep,slick and wet. I love the look of a freshly waxed car. I also like how the water beads after a rain. The way nothing adheres to the paint is cool too.

12-10-2005, 10:37 PM
So what layers are on top? I use Nattys alot and have been experimenting with OCW a little and am interested in knowing which of these were responsible for your good results this past snow storm.

12-10-2005, 10:55 PM
The first 3 layers were Opti which didn`t impress me much. The next time I washed my car instead of polishing it and starting over I just put Natty Blue on it. As I continued to wash it I continued to follow up with a coat of Blue. The next time I wash my car and the weather allows me I`ll either put another coat of Blue on it or do a layer of Collinite`s Insulator Wax.If I get decent weather(above40) for two days and I have the time then I`ll probably do a Blue one day and Insulator`s the next.Then I`ll call it quits for the winter waxing of/on my car.

12-11-2005, 12:28 AM
What makes you all stay in climates like that? Jobs must be good and houses must be cheap. I just moved away from Virginia which got a good amount of snow but the cold weather just plain stinks. How do you all stand it?!
Hey I`ll be joining you SC guys by the end of next year :punk: I can`t wait to leave South Florida. I love the weather but the people are coming in by the bus load every hour. The traffic has doubled and so has the living expenses. Charleston, SC here I come (real southern hospitality)