View Full Version : I`m stumped...need some help regarding finish polish

11-12-2009, 01:55 AM
Hey guys,

Need some help, this problem really has me stumped. For the past year or more, I`ve had great success with the M105/205 combo. I also added some 3m Ultrafine to the mix to finish off m205 even further. Recently though, I`ve been having an issue with both M205 and ultrafine. I am applying all polishes with my Flex 3401 with lake country or megs soft buff pads.

The problem I am experiencing is that after I apply either M205 or UF with a finishing pad, both polishes are leaving behind RIDS which were not present before the finishing polish. I can`t seem to figure it out. The only way to remove the RIDS is to go back to M105. I have tried changing pads with brand new pads, applying with different speeds and pressures. Nothing seems to work. I`ve never had this issue before, it just seemed to have started recently. Just wanted to see if anyone had any clues as to why a finishing polish with a black LC or Tan Megs pad are leaving behind deep rids.

My application process is as follows:

1. Prime pad with M205 or UF by massaging polish into pad

2. Apply small amount to pad and spread on paint

3. Work polish with Flex 3401 at speed 4 until polish has begun to diminish

4. Remove remaining polish with MF

Any tips would be greatly appreciated :thx

11-12-2009, 02:11 AM
205 uses non diminishing abrasives. Its worked until your desired correction or finished level is achieved and then removed. You`re only getting a long working polish by using UF.

Second if you are 100 percent sure you`re just not uncovering RIDS that are already there, you need to check your MF towels. There is really no reason RIDS will appear after a finishing step unless you`re doing an IPA wipedown of the area you`re looking at and you uncover something(which you may have seen before the finishing step or even the defect removal step) or you`re instilling them yourself because something in or on the towel is doing it. Unless its reallllly soft paint and some starting-to-dry polish is in the towel and creating the marks

Something doesn`t make sense

11-12-2009, 02:36 AM
205 uses non diminishing abrasives. Its worked until your desired correction or finished level is achieved and then removed. You`re only getting a long working polish by using UF.

Second if you are 100 percent sure you`re just not uncovering RIDS that are already there, you need to check your MF towels. There is really no reason RIDS will appear after a finishing step unless you`re doing an IPA wipedown of the area you`re looking at and you uncover something(which you may have seen before the finishing step or even the defect removal step) or you`re instilling them yourself because something in or on the towel is doing it. Unless its reallllly soft paint and some starting-to-dry polish is in the towel and creating the marks

Something doesn`t make sense

i agree. rids usually don`t just appear like that as rids are usually pretty deep. What kind of Microfiber towels do you have? Also, what kind of vehicle and color might this be on?

It could be that you have soft paint/clear and when wiping off your final polish you are actually marring the paint.

One thing you don`t want to have to keep doing is attacking your paint over and over with M105.

If you could post up some pictures that would be excellent and at that point we can see what is going on and can provide further help upon checking them out.

11-12-2009, 02:42 AM
205 uses non diminishing abrasives. Its worked until your desired correction or finished level is achieved and then removed. You`re only getting a long working polish by using UF.

Second if you are 100 percent sure you`re just not uncovering RIDS that are already there, you need to check your MF towels. There is really no reason RIDS will appear after a finishing step unless you`re doing an IPA wipedown of the area you`re looking at and you uncover something(which you may have seen before the finishing step or even the defect removal step) or you`re instilling them yourself because something in or on the towel is doing it. Unless its reallllly soft paint and some starting-to-dry polish is in the towel and creating the marks

Something doesn`t make sense

Sorry, I didnt mean that the polish is diminishing, I meant I work the polish to the point that it begins to break down/dry. Like I said, this problem didnt arrise until recently. I am using brand new Cobra MF towels, I have even tried different brands as well. The thing that has me stumped is, before this, I`ve never had this issue. You can visibly see the RIDS before even removing the polish with the MF.

I don`t believe that I am uncovering rids, I am applying the 205 after correction with 105. As far as I know the paint I am working with is not very soft, it is actually Audi clearcoat. I`m very confused at this point, I`ll have to try another MF.

11-12-2009, 03:53 AM
Sorry, I didnt mean that the polish is diminishing, I meant I work the polish to the point that it begins to break down/dry. Like I said, this problem didnt arrise until recently. I am using brand new Cobra MF towels, I have even tried different brands as well. The thing that has me stumped is, before this, I`ve never had this issue. You can visibly see the RIDS before even removing the polish with the MF.

I don`t believe that I am uncovering rids, I am applying the 205 after correction with 105. As far as I know the paint I am working with is not very soft, it is actually Audi clearcoat. I`m very confused at this point, I`ll have to try another MF.

If you are uncovering the rids before you even go to wipe your polish off it is not your towels.

Could it be possible that the rids were just never corrected . . . . . . Rids generally are not able to be corrected fully unless wet sanded. Now that is most rids.

Swirl marks and stuff like that is different but when most people on Autopia correct and get say 95% correction there are usually a few rids that did not come out and would require slightly more work to get them out.

I don`t think you are doing anything wrong i think that they might have just been previously over looked and are popping up at your final polishing stage while jeweling the paint work.