View Full Version : Clear Plastic Window

11-11-2009, 11:41 AM
Before I pull the trigger on Meguiars Clear Plastic Cleaner (#17) and Clear Plastic Polish (#10) I`m wondering if there`s something better/more efficient I should be using.

I need to clean and remove some fine scraches from my convertible`s clear plastic back window.


11-11-2009, 12:02 PM
M10 is a non-abrasive pure polish for plastics and M17 is a very light cleaner/polish for plastics. You`ll get better results using PlastX

M10 is a great product for use after PlastX to maximize optical clarity and create a static free surface.

M17 is a great light cleaner for plastic with topical stains etc., but PlastX is better at actually abrading the plastic to level it and then leaving behind a clear surface.

For what it`s worth I`ve buffed on a boat load of clear plastics in my life by hand and machine.

Even was paid to climb up to the roof of a second story house in Portland, Oregon and use my rotary buffer to buff out scratches on a large, clear orange bubble style sun window after the construction works scratched it horribly.

(I`m not the best candidate for going up ladders and crawling around on roofs with power toys but it was a friend of a friend situation)
