View Full Version : First time using ONR, suggestions for next time? Small issues...

11-07-2009, 04:47 PM
So I just got finished doing my first ONR wash. Overall, it went well I think, I just think it took way too long, as it took the same aount of time to do this as a regular wash.

1) I found that I left a fair amount of streaks after drying. What`s the most common cause of this?

2) Should it take me the same amount of time to wash my car regularly as it does with ONR (45 minutes, outside only)?

3) I felt like my towel when drying was getting "caught" a lot, even when the paint was still damp with ONR. It wasn`t drying smoothly.

4) My sponge was filthy after one section of the car and the car wasn`t even that dirty. I made sure I squeezed it out and rubbed it on my grit guard, but how is it possible to have a dirty sponge and not be wiping the dirty back onto the car?

Thanks in advance.

11-07-2009, 05:11 PM
1) Use two towels when drying, refold as needed and swap out the wettest towel for a dry towel as needed. The cooler it gets, the harder it is to dry a car, no matter what wash method you use.

2) With practice you should be able to wash your car in under 30 minutes in most cases (including wheels and tires).

3) When is the last time the car was clayed or waxed? Might be related to that and not ONR.

4) That is one of the mysteries of ONR, how what appears to be a dirty spong/wash pad isn`t harming the paint. ONR is a very effective cleaner (which is why your sponge looked so dirty) but once you dip the sponge back into the water, ONR causes the excess dirt to fall out and to the bottom of the bucket.

11-07-2009, 05:43 PM
1) Use two towels when drying, refold as needed and swap out the wettest towel for a dry towel as needed. The cooler it gets, the harder it is to dry a car, no matter what wash method you use.

2) With practice you should be able to wash your car in under 30 minutes in most cases (including wheels and tires).

3) When is the last time the car was clayed or waxed? Might be related to that and not ONR.

4) That is one of the mysteries of ONR, how what appears to be a dirty spong/wash pad isn`t harming the paint. ONR is a very effective cleaner (which is why your sponge looked so dirty) but once you dip the sponge back into the water, ONR causes the excess dirt to fall out and to the bottom of the bucket.


1) When you say use two towels, do you mean two different towels over the same area (as in one, then the other)? It looks like in your vids you do that. What`s the advantage there?

2) Hopefully I get there soon

3) Three months since my last wax

4) I`ll take your word for it. It`s amazing!

Four last questions:

1) What`s your opinion on washing with ONR and using a leaf blower to dry it?

2) Where do you get your MF drying towels? All of my targets seem to be out of them.

3) How do you store your sponge at the end of your wash? In a plastic bag? Ziploc? Just laying out?

4) After rinsing after a wash, does your sponge still look dirty? Mine does, but then again it is white.

Thanks again Scottwax. Your videos are the reason I switched to ONR. I hope they are paying you or giving you something.

11-07-2009, 05:49 PM
all the dirt wrapped in the polymers will not stick to the pro line GS like it does a sheepskin wash mitt. I take my nails to the sponge in the water instead of rubbing it on the grit guard. Hope this helps.

11-07-2009, 06:00 PM
You will find that after the 4th or 5th time ONRing, your questions will basically all be answered, and the amount of time spent on this session will be like 1/2 or less of the time that it took you the 1st time. Trust.

11-07-2009, 07:10 PM
You will find that after the 4th or 5th time ONRing, your questions will basically all be answered, and the amount of time spent on this session will be like 1/2 or less of the time that it took you the 1st time. Trust.

Yep, and by then you will probably relax a bit and use less product, I bet that is causing your streaking issues.

11-07-2009, 07:30 PM
what do you guys find to be the best wash media to use with ONR.

I have been using a chemical guys big chubby (http://www.chemicalguys.com/wash_sponge_microfiber_p/mic_492.htm) wash sponge. Its great but i can see a lot of dirt getting trapped on it that does not come off when rubbing it against a grit guard.

11-07-2009, 08:03 PM
There`s a variety of wash media that work w/ ONR, so what you`re using now is probably ok. And with most wash media it seems, the microscopic dirt will stick to/show on your wash mitt, even after scrubbing it against the Grit Guard. That`s the case with me and the white feathery-like mitt that I use, but it gets the job done wonderfully and doesn`t scratch, even though it is discolored.

Just remember w/ w/e wash media you use with ONR: It`s not about creating suds (say, like a sponge); it`s more about gliding over the paint with your multi-textured, multi-surfaced media, so it can pick up all the dust and gunk off your paint :).