View Full Version : Glass Cloth Bug Removal

11-05-2009, 10:24 AM
I saw on the OPT website that their glass cloth can be used to get rid of bug splatter on the paint finish. I`ve never liked using the strong chemical bug off kind of stuff and not had much luck removing all of it with just washing.

Does using their (or any) glass cloth without chemicals really work?

Setec Astronomy
11-05-2009, 10:40 AM
I presume they are not recommending you use it dry. When I have bug splatters like that I usually use QD and a MF to get them off. Best to get them before they have dried/etched, but the safest way from a marring standpoint is do it after washing, after you have washed away any easily removed dirt, etc.

As far as THEIR glass cloth, I haven`t looked at it, but everybody has a different idea what kind of MF (or non-MF) is the right thing to use for glass. As much as I respect Optimum for their bang for the buck, they don`t have any secret sauce MF`s that are unique, AFAIK.