View Full Version : Smearing On Purple

11-03-2009, 06:57 PM
I have been having a problem with waxing my Phantom purple XR6. I have been a long time user of Meguairs products and currently use their NXT liquid wax. When I do the car at home I use my old Marlows orbital polisher and it all comes up good. But I am lazy and have other things to do on the weekends. Lately, with the weather being fine I have been enjoying going outside the office at lunch time and cleaning my car with the Meg`s waterless wash and then waxing or even claying, polishing then waxing it.

The problem that I am having is that no matter what I do, I can`t get the NXT to wipe off without smearing. It always looks blotchy. If I go over it again with a light spray of waterless wash or QD and rub really hard I can get rid of most of it but that is a PITA.

Do you have any suggestions for an alternative product that will give me the long protection that NXT does, can be applied in sunshine and DOESN`T leave blotches?

The temptation at the moment is to either try NXT paste wax or go back to Meg`s #26 Hi Tech Wax which always gave such a great look, especially on darker colours but this doesn`t protect as long and I get lazy over winter.


11-04-2009, 12:48 AM
are you more for looks or durability? Use a sealant. They last longer such as some blackfire wet diamond.

11-04-2009, 12:50 AM
you can also try like UPGP or even opti-seal