View Full Version : Sealing Windows - Aquapel or just plain `old sealant

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11-01-2009, 08:54 PM
Just blurbing outloud. Wrapped up 1 winterization today. 2 more to go.

Down to 2 last bottles of Aquapel in my stash. Sealants have come a long way when I purchased my case of Aqualpel.

What is your preferred glass glass sealant product these days.

I have plenty of sealants in my stash. I suppose Aquapel is just that --- a great sealant unless there is some magic mojo in their product that does work better on glass than other products on the market.

11-01-2009, 09:23 PM
I just tried waxing my windows last week, just need some rain to see how well it works out, I have previous experience with rain-x and found that to be just ok, didt last very long and its hard to get them clean since it hazes.

BTW I used S100 which i dont know how long it will last on windows...

Cleaning Fool
11-01-2009, 09:55 PM
I use either Finish Kare 1000p OR Zaino Z2 on my glass. Both work great. Yes, to answer your question, I use sealants on my glass.

11-01-2009, 10:49 PM
Ive used Z2, NXT 2.0, or EX-P, all work well.

11-01-2009, 11:03 PM
I haven`t used Aquapel, but I have used RainX and NXT.

For me, RainX barely lasts probably 3 weeks at best.

Btw, buffing the RainX hazing is absurdly easy if you spritz a little H20 on the glass while wiping clean.

*Edit: Oh, I forgot to mention that I never use a sealant on windshields due to smearing/streaking and fogging up.

I`ll go back to NXT.

11-02-2009, 07:38 AM
For the record, I have never used Aquapel ( though I have heard good thing about it). I typically use either Klasse AIO or another acrylic LSP for windows. Protection seems to last for quite awhile.

11-02-2009, 07:53 AM
Aquapel works great. I get about 4-5 months out of one application.

11-02-2009, 08:06 AM
We finally have had some good rain here in the ATL over the last 4-6 months. I applied aquapel to both my truck and wifes car. I also installed the "beam" type blades on each vehicle.

At 7 months they are both ready for a retreatment. The Bosch icon`s on my wifes car got a little chatter the other day, but I have not cleaned the glass in a while.

My truck has the Valeo 900 Ultimate Wiper Blades which are doing very well, but on the average my truck sits in the garage more.

I have never put a sealant/wax on mine/clients front glass. I just never knew how they would act when they break down. I do know that when aquapel breaks down, there is no smearing at all.

11-02-2009, 09:01 AM
I love aquapel - especially for the Winter. Take into account your wiper blades will not like the aquapel though: seems the silicone doesn`t make the rubber blades last.

Even after 6 months, windshield has perfectly tight beading

11-02-2009, 09:13 AM
heh. Just realized I should have save the aquapel applicator.....

It`s still a good *applicator* medium even if I decide to use sealant but would use the used applicator.

The only thing to keep a watchful eye would be to make sure the padding was in shape. Never did look inside or cut it open to see if it was a vial or just a ridgid material when you had to *crack* to release the product.

11-02-2009, 10:16 AM
Duragloss Aquawax actually works really well for this. It also lasts a good amount of time, though I re-apply every couple of weeks while I`m topping off the coat on the car.

11-02-2009, 10:31 AM
I`ve tried these products but have discarded them after getting constant wiper chatter and some smearing after a few weeks. I just keep my glass clean and untreated now.

I have to ask what purpose is served by putting sealant on glass. Glass clearly doesn`t need protection like paint does. It doesn`t make the glass any clearer nor does it promote better wiper action. I get much better clarity with plain clean glass and I avoid the wiper chatter. While I agree it may be fun to watch the water fly off the glass, it serves no useful purpose, IMO, and actually hinders my visibility in the rain especially at night.

11-02-2009, 10:42 AM
I hugely prefer Aquapel, it lasts a good 6 months here, and it works great!

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11-02-2009, 03:09 PM
When I was a noob, 1st product was Rain-X. Don`t even ask how my experience was with their anti fogging product on interior windows.

I have never had any squeaking issues with Aquapel. Again, your experience with vary with your glass if not your blades. Some glass is harder or softer just like paint.

However, the beading does help water just fly off a at decent speeds. Maybe not driving in city speeds but but it does help IMO

11-02-2009, 06:03 PM
I`ve tried these products but have discarded them after getting constant wiper chatter and some smearing after a few weeks. I just keep my glass clean and untreated now.

+ a bazillion

aquapel is cool when you put it on for the first time, but during a big texas storm with wipers a wipin`, you get bored fast of the constant chatter.