View Full Version : Heavy Chemical cleaner, mild abrasive with No protection?

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11-01-2009, 08:47 AM
I`m looking for something with heavy chemical cleaning ability, a mild abrasive that finishes nicely and no lsp or oils that will compromise my LSP. Any suggestions?

Basically I`m looking for something that will clean mildly oxidized paint, remove tar/buildup and add a bit of shine. There are certain cars I don`t want to clay but I need to make the surface feel nice and smooth. I really like Megs #66 however it is not sealant friendly because of the oils/protection it leaves.

11-03-2009, 04:12 AM
Not sure how heavy the cleaning is chemical based but Zaino ZPC meets your other requirements

11-03-2009, 08:40 AM
Prime Strong?

11-03-2009, 09:15 AM
Not sure how heavy the cleaning is chemical based but Zaino ZPC meets your other requirements

I have ZPC, I really like it for spot fixes by hand, but IMO it is more abrasive based, not chemical.

11-03-2009, 09:24 AM
Prime Strong?

Prime strong is an AIO right? I don`t want anything to mess with whatever sealant I choose to use afterwards.

Setec Astronomy
11-03-2009, 09:29 AM
This is a good question...that I don`t know the answer to. I bet Accumulator is going to have something to say about it, tho. Perhaps there is something in the Hi-Temp line?

11-03-2009, 09:55 AM
Poorboys Pro Polish?

11-03-2009, 10:10 AM
I`m down to my last bottle of Meguiars Body scrub, the only stuff that I know of that fits the bill, and hopefully I can find a replacement.

Danase Pure Polish - Non-abrasive gloss enhancing polish (http://danase.com/Exterior-Care-Products/Polishes-Compounds/Danase-Pure-Polish-Non-abrasive-gloss-enhacing-cleaner-polish-p8.html)

The danase looks interesting,but I`m not sure if its a strong cleaner.

11-03-2009, 11:04 AM
This is a good question...that I don`t know the answer to. I bet Accumulator is going to have something to say about it, tho. Perhaps there is something in the Hi-Temp line?

Heh heh, guess I usually have something to say about a lot of things, huh? :o

But, eh...I really dunno :think:

Approaching this like the Jag or the RX-7 (no abrasive polishing due to thin original paint):

I`d usually lean towards some AIO that was compatible with my sealant. Autoglym SRP or KAIO, not the more abrasive ZAIO though. I use the SRP on the Jag and I love it; the abrasives aren`t significant IMO (haven`t ever done the RX-7 yet, still in mothballs :o ).

Or something like Meg`s DC#1 cleaner or P21S GEPC (which apparently works fine with FK1000P) or Pinnacle PCL (which might not work with sealants though).

The Hi-Temp PrepWash and other solvent-type approaches wouldn`t do anything for oxidation.

11-03-2009, 11:09 AM
Hey yakky, maybe you could look into the wolfgang paintwork polish enhancer. I dont know how strong of a chemical cleaner it is but it does supposedly work under DGPS and contains fillers for those that dont want the full polish.

Maybe someone else can chime in with some experience with it. Ive always wanted to try it since its supposedly compatible with sealants

11-03-2009, 11:21 AM
Hey yakky, maybe you could look into the wolfgang paintwork polish enhancer. ..

That reminds me of the similar BF stuff, which completely slipped my mind.

11-03-2009, 11:43 AM
Hey yakky, maybe you could look into the wolfgang paintwork polish enhancer. I dont know how strong of a chemical cleaner it is but it does supposedly work under DGPS and contains fillers for those that dont want the full polish.

Maybe someone else can chime in with some experience with it. Ive always wanted to try it since its supposedly compatible with sealants

Hmm, I`d even sacrifice some LSP compatability for better chemical cleaning. I really need that strong cleaner. For me to be happy, claying a car (that lives outside and is clayed, say once a year) takes 2-3 hours. Right now with #66 on a yellow pad, I can make the finish silky smooth. Hoever I can`t top the #66 with any real sealant, I`m stuck with #16, #26 or 845IW. Even 476S doesn`t like the #66 and fades all too fast.

11-03-2009, 11:45 AM
Poorboys Pro Polish

11-03-2009, 12:07 PM
Whats wrong with using 845 over it?

BTW, if you want strong chemical cleaning and a bit of abrasiveness I dont see whats wrong with using Prime strong. It has both and lays down an acrylic sealant similar to KAIO. I havent had any bad experiences with layering other sealants over it yet.

11-03-2009, 12:20 PM
Whats wrong with using 845 over it?

BTW, if you want strong chemical cleaning and a bit of abrasiveness I dont see whats wrong with using Prime strong. It has both and lays down an acrylic sealant similar to KAIO. I havent had any bad experiences with layering other sealants over it yet.

Sometimes I want to use something different as 845 doesn`t look that great over darker colors. I know many sealants won`t have a problem, but just on the off chance, I`d rather no protection as the stuff in the AIO`s has terrible durability.