View Full Version : ONR as a QD: who has tried it?

10-30-2009, 07:19 AM
So I`m nearing the end of my Optimum QD & Gloss Enhancer and I`m wondering if it would be a more economical plan to simply skip re-supplying it and instead just use ONR mixed to QD strength (6 oz. to one gallon of water I believe).

So I`d love to hear from those that have tried their ONR as a QD and if they were happy with the results versus a dedicated QD product.

Thanks in advance.

10-30-2009, 07:25 AM
If you do a search you will find a great deal of information on ONR and its use as a QD. It will not perform like the OID you are use to but will provide good cleaning ability.

10-30-2009, 07:59 AM
If you do a search you will find a great deal of information on ONR and its use as a QD. It will not perform like the OID you are use to but will provide good cleaning ability.

I initially searched using the query strings: `ONR QD` and `ONR as QD` and predictably came up with a bunch of irrelevant/off-target content, which is why i posted this dedicated thread instead.

I`ll be the first to use the search function on any forum board; I`m new here but am a forum member on other forums for years. I always search first in order to prevent needlessly redundant thread creation/clutter, but sometimes the query results just yield page after page of near misses (like this time).

10-30-2009, 08:23 AM
ONR as QD = great cleaner, some shine, cheap

OID as QD = marginal cleaner, intense blingy shine, darkens plastic trim

10-30-2009, 08:25 AM
ONR as QD = great cleaner, some shine, cheap

OID as QD = marginal cleaner, intense blingy shine, darkens plastic trim

What he said...would add ONR not as slick as other QD`s

10-30-2009, 09:33 AM
Perfect answers !

10-30-2009, 09:35 AM
Thanks for your opinions.

I kinda figured the dedicated QDs would go the extra mile.

I`m going to mix up a mini-batch and give the ONR a try. Prolly end up placing that order for the QD & Gloss Enhancer though in the end.

10-30-2009, 05:19 PM
ONR as QD = great cleaner, some shine, cheap

OID as QD = marginal cleaner, intense blingy shine, darkens plastic trim

This. Great for cleaning but will really add little or nothing in the looks department.