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10-25-2009, 04:05 AM
I use Micro-Restore Microfiber Detergent and it works well but what I`m wondering if its worth the cost. I let them soak in a bucket with Micro-Restore Microfiber Detergent before I wash them for a few days, then I wash them. I was also wondering if anyone has used DP`s version of Micro-Restore Microfiber Detergent?

I tried a diffrent method this time I got snappy clean and soaked the MF in them for a few days and then washed them, turned out great but as a precauton I washed them in Micro-Restore Microfiber Detergent to be safe and this seemed to work well.

Anyone tried this or is the whole MF detergent a big scam?

10-25-2009, 07:50 AM
I have some DP on the way, I can let you know my impression when i receive it.

Thanks for serving your country.

10-25-2009, 08:26 AM
Never used a dedicated MF soap. Always just used whatever soap the wife buys, usually tide. Put a little vinegar in the rinse cycle and they come out like new.

10-25-2009, 09:24 AM
I`ve used a few different MF-detergents and they all work a *lot* better than regular detergents *for me*. We`ve discussed this so many times that a search would :shocked you...use what works for *you*; don`t bother with pricey options if something cheap works OK, don`t waste time with cheap stuff if the pricey ones work better...strictly a YMMV sort of thing.

a.k.a. Patrick
10-25-2009, 10:10 AM
Im a big fan of Charliesoap for all my familys washables..............

10-25-2009, 11:05 AM
I use the MF restore as well, seems to be a decent product. In addition, i`ve had VERY good luck (with pads atleast) with DP`s pad restore (can be used on mf products as well).

For removing CAKED on dirt (from lower panel ONR cloths), I usually just squirt some palmolive into the cloth and get to rubbing. The above 2 detergents are good, but, from my experiences, arn`t able to remove heavy dirt (polish/wax residue, yes, dirt trapped by ONR, no).

10-25-2009, 11:11 AM
Im a big fan of Charliesoap for all my familys washables..............

I was kinda sorry that the Charlie`s didn`t work out for me. I just *liked* using it, know what I mean?

a.k.a. Patrick
10-25-2009, 05:54 PM
G, I use it for all of our clothes, just something pure about it. No scent, no soft fluffy`s, just C L E A N .

Cleaning Fool
10-25-2009, 06:30 PM
Ive been to cheap and tight to buy microfiber soap.

10-25-2009, 06:37 PM
I`m curious too. I use one of the micro soaps at least most of the time, out of fear LOL, but I just washed my very first ever PC pad (CCM red) that had wolfie DG3.0 on it and the first wash with micro rejuve left it with chemical smell like thinner from the wax. Then I used it again and washed it twice in the DP powder cleaner and it was the same. Then I threw it in a hot machine wash with dish soap and it finally came out clean.

Oh I just noticed the reference to Charlies soap, I have some but havent tried it on micros and foams yet. Good 2 know.

10-25-2009, 08:45 PM
I use the MF restore as well, seems to be a decent product. In addition, i`ve had VERY good luck (with pads atleast) with DP`s pad restore (can be used on mf products as well).

How have you been using the DP on mf`s? I got a bunch of it free when I ordered some pad packages from AG a while ago. Thought it was only for pads until I read the label and it said it`s for mf`s also. Can I just put it straight in the washing machine like a regular powdered soap? I`ve just been using it to soak mf`s in a 5 gal bucket and hot water. Let it sit for a couple days, and then wash in the machine with vinegar.

So how have you been using it? Thanks in advance!

10-26-2009, 06:29 AM
I use Tide with a couple oz. of Purple Power and a little Dawn dishwashing det. Then I do a quick wash with couple oz of Vinagar to reove all excess detergents. Then let them air dry, a important step.

10-26-2009, 06:39 AM
I am another person who like the Charlies soap. I sue the apc at a mixture of 10:1 for my pads and the laundry liquid for my towels. it has worked well for me. I also do not dry my pads, I leave them airdry, face down and it seems to keep the velco backing like new .

10-26-2009, 08:00 AM
G, I use it for all of our clothes, just something pure about it. No scent, no soft fluffy`s, just C L E A N .

Yeah, I believe it. That`s the kind of stuff that made me sorry it just didn`t work out for me. I figure it`s my water, or my washers, or...well, something that I`m never gonna get sorted out.

Fortunately what I`m doing now works for me, so I guess that`s what counts, but it also can lead to a bit of :argue with people who try to learn me about this stuff ;)

Heh heh, not to sound paranoid, but by this time threads like this usually contain some posts telling me how I oughta be doing my laundry :nervous: As if I wouldn`t have already considered the ideas...

Ive been to cheap and tight to buy microfiber soap.

Well, if you don`t need it, you`re lucky to be able to save the $

Then let them air dry, a important step.

Does "them" in this case mean MFs or pads?

I like machine-drying my MFs; they come out fluffier for some reason, plus I usually have a mountain of them to deal with.

I also do not dry my pads, I leave them airdry, face down..

A while back I started blowing my pads ~90% dry with the compressor, seems to be a good idea, but, well, you gotta have an air compressor.

10-27-2009, 12:49 AM
I`ve used both Micro-Restore and DP`s Microfibre detergent and have found them to be very similar. :up

Chris from eShine.ca told me the same thing as well.

I`ve only done about 2 massive DP loads so far, but both detergents seem to have the same cleaning "power". As in, most MF`s come out clean and some still have staining (soaking reduces this, but not eliminates IME). I`ll have to try some vinegar perhaps on that (can you dump it in during the wash cycle or do you specifically have to catch and stop the machine and add it during rinse?)

Oh, and like Accumulator, i`ve found the machine-dried MF`s come out a little fluffier as well. I have my dryer on a "delicate" setting in an attempt to prevent the heat from getting too high, not really sure if it really works or even matters but yeah.

I might have a hint of Micro-Restore left (and have a massive jug of DP) so i`m kind of tempted to do a side-by-side comparison...