View Full Version : Help: Which MF do u use for Bird Bombs?

10-24-2009, 07:56 PM
Sometimes, there will be only 1 or 2 small Birdbombs on my car- usually hood or trunk - & it feels like a waste to use a MF once and then have to wash it.

What is everyone using in these situations?

10-24-2009, 08:23 PM
just use a regular mf like you would for paint, its easier to wash a mf than rebuff a section.

i dont have a problem using mine, since i get them in bulk its no issue to use something for something acidic like bird bombs and then toss it into the dirty pile.

but im also sure there are some guys on here that keep a MF around specifically for bombs in their car lol

10-24-2009, 09:13 PM
Thanks for the advice.

I think I am going to put some smaller MFs in my car for the bird bombs. Right now I have 2 of the Blue plush Errow MFs.

Has anybody tried Griot`s Cotton Wipes?

10-24-2009, 10:57 PM
one idea is to go to target or something and get some el cheapo MF`s just to keep in your car for bird bombs and so forth. I do that or keep my retired MF`s in my car depends on what I have handy. I carry about 5-8 MF`s in my trunk along with some QD (onr mix) and some spary sealant.

10-24-2009, 11:17 PM
Auto Glym makes a bird dropping wipes. It comes in a box of 10 and they work really well. It`s basically a gentle moist towlette for paint. I hand them out to my customers all the time.


10-24-2009, 11:23 PM
Hmmm, somebody should get hold of those tissue towels in a can, like quick wipes, but dry, and put QD in it.

10-24-2009, 11:28 PM
a soft microfiber towel and QD will be fine. wash it when you have a decent size load...

10-25-2009, 04:09 AM
Forgot to say Is I just have a dedicated bucket to dirty MF`s and when its full I wash it. It also helps I have about 150 MF towels.

10-25-2009, 09:19 AM
Auto Glym makes a bird dropping wipes. It comes in a box of 10 and they work really well. It`s basically a gentle moist towlette for paint. I hand them out to my customers all the time.


where can you get those? sounds like something that would come in pretty handy

10-25-2009, 10:06 AM
My practice whenever I am unfortunate enough to receive a deposit is to wet down the area really well with a QD. I then place a sheet of paper towel over the area with the bs. I wet the towel and let the area soak for at least 10 minutes then carefully pick up the towel plus prize then clean up the balance with more qd and a mf.

10-25-2009, 11:18 AM
I usually use the thickest, softest, longest-nap MFs I have, at least on the good vehicles. I`ll probably use my new Shamrocks next time I need to deal with this.

..Has anybody tried Griot`s Cotton Wipes?

If you mean their cotton polishing cloths, IME those are really, really nasty. No way I`d ever touch my paint with `em; I sent them back with a detailed explanation of their deficiencies.

If you mean their cotton disposable wipes, those aren`t bad for what they are; quite soft as "paper towels" go, but not soft enough for some paints and the near-zero-nap isn`t what I want for this. They *would* be good for the saturated-contact-dwell that Blake uses paper towels for though.

10-25-2009, 03:38 PM
It`s not the microfiber its the product that you use to get rid of the bird s--t. I used Poorboys until I ran out now I use Griots and it does the job

10-26-2009, 09:40 AM
It`s not [merely] the microfiber its the product that you use to get rid of the bird s--t. I used Poorboys until I ran out now I use Griots and it does the job

Yeah, SpeedShine is good :xyxthumbs

When I need more cleaing I`ll use FK146 or, sometimes, even ONR.