View Full Version : Spilled Milk In Cloth Seats

10-23-2009, 03:03 PM
Over the past few months, I`ve had two different customers have to call for us to come back out and try again to remove a rotten spilled milk stain. We are using a hot water extractor, carpet cleaner, and Odo-Ban from Sams Club. I do have an ozone machine, but I don`t think it would have been left in the car long enough to work and the smell is often coming from deep within the foam part of the seat.

Does anyone know of the best way/products to handle this sort of situation?



Greg Nichols
10-23-2009, 06:32 PM
That is one of the worst odors to remove, I NEVER garatee ODOR removal only abatement. If you don`t get rid of the organic soilds from the milk the bacteria will keep coming back. I think you need to do a OZONE after another cleaning.



10-23-2009, 07:54 PM
Hot water extreaction with something with a malodor enzyme is probably the best option to get that. Spilled milk is rather difficult. It seeps down into everything and unless you literally pull everything out you can`t garuntee you got it all.

10-23-2009, 08:03 PM
what about that thread on pressure washing seats? if the clean got deep enough and you were able to penetrate deep enough, you could possibly get a good amount out of the seat, but from what i understand, if a large amount of something soaks deep enough into the foam core of the seats, its near impossible to remove 100% of it unless you have great tools, skills, and cleaners

Roger Koh
10-23-2009, 09:49 PM
Milk besides the fats and oils is classified as a protein colloid – thus a pH 11.0 protein removal does helps better than any other stain removal.

Second it has active bacteria activities that digest these protein stains and the end result is the off gassing rotten smell – a pH 3.7 bactericide will kill off these bacteria together with the fermenting protein rotten smell.

So, the technique is to remove as much of the stain as possible by letting the pH 11.0 protein stain removal in direct contact with the stain follows with your hot water extraction.

Thereafter apply the odorless pH 3.7 bactericide direct to these stain areas – it will be not a cover-up once the bacteria is put inactive.

That`s the way it works from my experience.

Roger Koh

Leather Doctor®

Master Textile Cleaner IICRC #942

10-24-2009, 03:32 PM
Milk besides the fats and oils is classified as a protein colloid – thus a pH 11.0 protein removal does helps better than any other stain removal.

Second it has active bacteria activities that digest these protein stains and the end result is the off gassing rotten smell – a pH 3.7 bactericide will kill off these bacteria together with the fermenting protein rotten smell.

So, the technique is to remove as much of the stain as possible by letting the pH 11.0 protein stain removal in direct contact with the stain follows with your hot water extraction.

Thereafter apply the odorless pH 3.7 bactericide direct to these stain areas – it will be not a cover-up once the bacteria is put inactive.

That`s the way it works from my experience.

Roger Koh

Leather Doctor®

Master Textile Cleaner IICRC #942

I`ve never heard of products sold as:

"ph 3.7 bactericide" or

"11.0 protein stain removal"

Where do you suggest ordering these products?



10-24-2009, 03:40 PM
Over the past few months, I`ve had two different customers have to call for us to come back out and try again to remove a rotten spilled milk stain. We are using a hot water extractor, carpet cleaner, and Odo-Ban from Sams Club. I do have an ozone machine, but I don`t think it would have been left in the car long enough to work and the smell is often coming from deep within the foam part of the seat.

Does anyone know of the best way/products to handle this sort of situation?



I have found that using a steamer works well. You really have to drive the steam as deep as possible to kill off as much bacteria as possible as well. I would use the steamer with an APC so that also gets driven into the material.

10-24-2009, 03:54 PM
I had a full coffee with cream dumped in my BMW by the sister in law. I used nature`s miracle found in pets stores and it worked great.


Roger Koh
10-24-2009, 04:39 PM
I`ve never heard of products sold as:

"ph 3.7 bactericide" or

"11.0 protein stain removal"

Where do you suggest ordering these products?




Look for these specific ingredients and the pH value in the product.

What you need is the ingredient in the products that makes it work.

Cleaning Science makes predictable result - without the trial & error.

It works by "logic" not by "magic".

Magic will often fail if it is not based on work of Logic.

Roger Koh

Leather Doctor®

IICRC #942

Leather Care Technician

Master Textile Cleaner

Master Fire & Smoke Restorer

Journeyman Water Restorer

Since 1973