View Full Version : Quick detailing between washes

10-21-2009, 05:40 PM
How many times will you guys quick detail (i.e. spray quick detailer) between washes for your "weekend only" cars? Just wondering because I don`t want to scratch the paint with only doing a car duster and quick detailer too often when I should be washing more frequently.

10-21-2009, 05:49 PM
generally speaking.. its not how often, its how dirty.. you can dust all you want when its just dust.. i dont really use quick detail sprays.. but you can use them for dust and light soils too... you just have to use good judgement in what you can safley remove with the above, and what requires actual washing, and you`ll be fine. proved your paint isnt uber soft anyway.

10-21-2009, 06:01 PM
Would BMW paint be considered "uber soft"? Don`t want to hurt my baby...

10-21-2009, 06:16 PM
Would BMW paint be considered "uber soft"? Don`t want to hurt my baby...

just do a test spot, out of sight. and see how it works for your paint. if your worried about it, just go ahead and spend an extra 15 minutes on cleaning your car after a short drive onthe weekend and use ONR instead of a quick detailer if your worried about the marring..

ill use a quick detailer with good lubrication and a soft microfiber.... spray on , prime the microfiber, give it a couple gently wipes to remove the dust/light dirt, and then bring a new microfiber in, and wipe it gently dry, shouldnt mar it unless its an eco paint, not sure about bmw though

10-21-2009, 06:18 PM
Bmw paint is generally easy to correct surface scratching from toweling down. The better series have better paint than the base models. I always rinse with the hose before toweling with the microfibre. It depends what color you have. Black and dark blues are the toughest to keep looking good. I almost NEVER detergent wash my cars unless I am stuck in the rain...then I only wash the sides and wheels. I always spray an enhancer on the microfibre while drying for added protection between washes.

10-21-2009, 07:26 PM
Thanks guys-all great info. Grew up watching my dad baby his cars and now it`s my time. Just got an 05 M3 Carbon Black. Beautiful when it`s clean, cute when it`s dirty. Going to get used to using a G100 Meguiars polisher (Einzsett Glanz wax and paint polish suggested from Detailer Domain) on my wifes burgundy minivan-then use it to help rid my car of drying towel scratches. Weekend only driving so it`ll probably see more quick detailer than actual washes (what is ONR?).

10-21-2009, 07:31 PM
My M3 is Carbon Black and it is very pretty but at the same time a royal pain to keep cleen

10-21-2009, 09:55 PM
Thanks guys-all great info. Grew up watching my dad baby his cars and now it`s my time. Just got an 05 M3 Carbon Black. Beautiful when it`s clean, cute when it`s dirty. Going to get used to using a G100 Meguiars polisher (Einzsett Glanz wax and paint polish suggested from Detailer Domain) on my wifes burgundy minivan-then use it to help rid my car of drying towel scratches. Weekend only driving so it`ll probably see more quick detailer than actual washes (what is ONR?).

optimum no rinse.

its a washing solution that works like a waterless wash, but makes your whole bucket into something like that... lets you wash without rinsing the car with water, you can wash the vehicle of mild dirtyness , 2 bucket method, and then towel it dry with a quality MF drying towel and get the same results as a spray down wash, no marring as long as you do it correctly.

you can do that instead of doing a QD or waterless wash if there is too much dirt to remove safely