View Full Version : Ramblings on the economy

10-14-2009, 02:13 PM
So something I`ve noticed lately, is that the economy still sucks, and is actually probably worse than it was around this time last year. But people aren`t talking about it as much, and it seems like people have just sort of... accepted it.

But the thing that I don`t get is how a year ago prices on EVERYTHING were dropping drastically because of slow sales and the economy. But now, it seems like things are more expensive than they were before the economy tanked! Food, cars, pretty much everything except gasoline. I just don`t quite get it. I`m sure everyone else has noticed that business has been slow, around here it hasn`t picked up at all compared to what it was prior to the economy collapsing. But there aren`t any deals out there anymore. It used to be that you could pick up some very nice vehicles for pennies on the dollar because they just weren`t selling. Now the same vehicles are being offered at prices that were higher than they were before the economy started to slow!

Food is the same way, when the economy was slowing stores started to slash their prices to get people to buy them still. But now, it seems like things are costing more, and they`re giving you less.

At work, everyone took paycuts. But we still are trying to sell our products for the same prices. Only difference is now we`re trying to do it with less people, less hours, and to people with less money now.

I figured it was companies trying to cut losses after having to go with big price drops when things first started to get bad. But it seems illogical to think that when people have less money, they can still sell things at full price.

I just don`t get it. Is it because the news has stopped scaring people every day with the fact that our economy is still failing? Or am I missing something?

EDIT: Another weird thing. Trade in values have gone to hell for most cars, but the costs to buy one have skyrocketed. Explain that to me.

Sudz On The Run
10-14-2009, 02:37 PM
It would take to long to explain that LOL , But it could be a lot worse. You could live overseas where they really stick it to you , Like gas at a low is around $5 a gallon.

10-14-2009, 03:02 PM
There was alot of overcapacity last year in all areas, everyone has seemed to have leveled off now. They were just trying to get rid of excess inventory.

10-14-2009, 03:52 PM
you have to figure with gas prices the way they are, it cost more to transport the goods around. i`ve noticed too that alot of things have gone up in price as well. just have to accept it, unless you can find an alternative to what it is you are buying...

10-18-2009, 03:30 PM
my theory is this...The economy is bad, but not as bad as the media makes it out to be. I feel this downward spin is greatly attributed to the media and being media educed.
